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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२४

Calculating vulnerable real laborers

भवानी भट्ट

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Counting of critically endangered Khar Mazur has started in Shuklaphanta National Park. The park office, bird conservation association and other organizations started counting from Tuesday.

Calculating vulnerable real laborers

In the past years, work was done by climbing a scaffold, tower or tree at certain places where real labor was found. This is called the vented method . This time, along with vented, sweep (increasing) method is also going to be calculated. Under this method, the counters stand in waves and move forward while holding the rope. The distance from one meter to another meter is at least 50 meters. Conservation Officer Manoj Iyer said, "All grasslands in the park will be counted in two days in three stages. This time, different methods are being adopted than last time." Both

methods count only evening and morning hours. This is also the time when Khar Mazur becomes active. Rests in the grass during the day. They also go out for food in the evening and in the morning. "Now is also the breeding season of Khar Mazur, at this time the male meets the female," said Hirulal Dagaunra of the Nepal Bird Conservation Association, who was assigned to the census.

According to him, males can easily be seen nowadays, and there is a possibility of meeting males and females together. He said that along with Shuklaphanta, Chitwan and Koshi Tappu have also started counting. 20 technicians are employed in the

calculations . Some calculators use the vented method and some use the sweep method. Shuklafanta grasslands within the park will be counted in Karia Fanta, Hirapur Fanta . In addition, intermediate community forests will also be counted. According to the sweep method, counting will be done on Chait 14 and 15, 18 and 19 and 22 and 23. Under the vented method, every day will be calculated. 4/5 enumerators will monitor at certain places where real labor is available.

Since 2013, Khar Mazur has been counted regularly in Shuklaphanta. At that time, 7 have been found here . Dagaunra says that there were 17 khar laborers in the count made in 1996. After that, the number is continuously decreasing. Along with Shuklaphanta, Chitwan National Park and Koshitappu Wildlife Reserve are found in Nepal. Conservation officer Ayer says that its number is around 27. "Although the visible number is low, its number is around 100 in Nepal," said ornithologist Hemsagar Baral, "there may be more than the visible number in the count." This is an extremely endangered bird. The Parks and Wildlife Protection Act 2029 has listed it as a protected bird. Khar Mazur is found only in India and Cambodia including Nepal. Its number is below 1000 .

Khar Mazur is also an indicator of grassland hygiene. Grasshoppers are omnivorous and prevent disease from getting infected. Conservation officer Ayer says that the area where this bird is found is clean. He said that this bird is also beneficial for farmers as it lives in the grasslands of parks and forest areas during the dry season and goes to agriculture during the dry season.

Its number is decreasing every year . The main reason for this is that grasslands are not managed by targeting the laborers, there are more males than females, poaching and nesting on the ground, so there is more damage. 'Sexual balance is not met, there should be more females than males, but here there are more males than females. ,' Ornithologist Baral said, 'Even if the sex ratio is not adjusted, the number is decreasing .' According to him, studies and research have not been done to give accurate results about the Khar Mazur and its habitat for conservation.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० २१:४६
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