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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २४८

5 points agreement between 4 ruling parties including Hanepa in Wagmati

सुवास विडारी

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The ruling party of Wagmati Province has agreed on 5 points. The ruling CPN UML, Maoist Center, CPN (S) and our Nepali Party (HANEPA) reached an agreement on the formation of the provincial government on Thursday evening.

5 points agreement between 4 ruling parties including Hanepa in Wagmati

According to the agreement, it has been agreed on the construction and operation of the provincial government by assimilating the citizen's desire for political stability, development and prosperity for the rest of the term of the Provincial Assembly elected for five years .

According to the decision of the power equation made at the central level, it has been decided to implement the leadership of the state government and move forward with cooperation among the participating parties under the leadership of the state government.

In the context of government operation, the government will move forward by creating a common minimum policy program by creating a state-level mechanism in which the representatives of the parties involved in the equation will be formed. It has been decided to request other parties represented in the provincial assembly in favor of prosperity to participate in this equation.

UML parliamentary party leader Jagannath Thapalia, Chief Minister Shalikram Jamkattel, CPN-S MP Rajendraman Shrestha and Hanepa parliamentary party leader Shailendraman Bajracharya have signed the agreement.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० १८:४४
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