कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६८

Why fail more in mathematics?

Many schools lack skilled, experienced and trained mathematics teachers. Teaching an intensive subject like mathematics by a teacher who does not have minimum qualifications has a direct impact on student understanding and learning.
जीवन काफ्ले

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Mathematics subject develops the ability of students to study, analyze and evaluate every subject in a logical, objective and scientific manner. It also develops the ability of the students to do research. Therefore, this subject is the starting point, medium and foundation of all epistemology and material prosperity.

Why fail more in mathematics?

But out of 464 thousand 785 students who participated in SEE of 2080, 177 thousand 985 students failed in this subject. There are many reasons behind this. The course level of this subject is not suitable, the question paper cannot be made in accordance with thematic specific objectives, general objectives and level objectives, when the level is suitable as a criterion for achieving the specific objectives of the level, the question paper is made without making a question paper without making a question paper, the question paper is made by teachers who are not involved in teaching, training the working teachers in effective teaching methods and non-arrangement of training are significant reasons.

Many schools lack skilled, experienced and trained mathematics teachers. Teaching an intensive subject like mathematics by a teacher who does not have minimum qualifications has a direct impact on student understanding and learning. This is also one of the root causes of student failure. Similarly, in the past, the practice was to hire teachers based on accessibility rather than selecting the qualified through open competition. This directly affects the classroom. Unless there is effective teaching by qualified teachers, the results of any subject will not be good. Therefore, the SEE results have given a clear indication that qualified teachers should be involved in teaching and learning in order to build a solid foundation for young students who are at a young age of building their lives. There are also many problems with the

curriculum. Developing a revised curriculum through serious discussion, debate and reflection is imperative. There is a growing tendency for schools to burden students with books that are written in ways that do not match the curriculum objectives and are labeled as textbooks. Different textbooks are taught in different schools. This also means that the winnings are different from expectations.

There is a widespread discussion that more students fail in mathematics. As a result, the message that this subject is really difficult has fallen on the students. But the number of students who get 'A Plus' in this subject is also high. 19 thousand 736 people have brought 'A plus'. So not many students fail because this subject is difficult. Mathematics has its own characteristics. If you answer the question correctly, you will get a good mark, if you do not write or spoil it, you will not get it. Whereas, in other subjects, if there is a small number, even if it is a small number, the number will come. 100% correct answer should be written to get number in mathematics. Due to this reason, the number of students passing in mathematics has decreased. Unimaginable sad practices are taking place in the

evaluation process. The evaluation of 25 percent marks is done by the school. This process has not been objective. The tendency to appease the weakest students by giving more marks rather than developing their strengths is a bitter reality. The students and parents are satisfied for the time being, but it does not benefit them in the long term. The current exam result is also the result of that. Therefore, the frequency of this result will happen again and again unless the schools do not follow the internal evaluation process properly.

Only when it is clear where the state is to be taken from the educational point of view, the method, method and direction to reach the destination becomes clear. Therefore, if the education sector of Nepal is to be made a beacon for building a bright future of Nepal, let the lamp of service, honesty and clear vision shine in the minds of the leaders of the related bodies.

– Kafle is an Associate Professor in the Central Department of Mathematics, Tribhuvan University.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ ०६:३०
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