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२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७३

How meaningful is the literary festival?

Literary festivals should not be a syndicate of some 'privileged' group, but should be the essence of literature, writing and reading culture as a whole. It can satiate the appetite of literary readers/audiences only if it can rise from the narrow circle and celebrate pure literature.
राजाराम गौतम

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The political circle has warmed up with the chill of mid-February. Political activity has increased in major parties since the beginning of February. Nepali Congress, the largest party in Parliament, recently held a general committee meeting. The meeting was mainly focused on the single issue of 'not forming an alliance before the elections' which was raised by Chief Minister Gagan Thapa.

How meaningful is the literary festival?

It was announced that all the proposed proposals were unanimously passed with the agreement that the central committee would finalize the suggestions made in the meeting. At the same time, the General Committee fulfilled the ambition of Chairman Sher Bahadur Deuba by resolving to sustain the coalition government led by Pushpa Kamal Dahal. In essence, the Maha Samiti meeting, which was a prisoner of Deuba and Gagan's political aspirations/demands, ended up being a 'win-win' for both.

Earlier, the CPN-Maoist Center held a Legislative Assembly, paving the way for President Dahal to remain in leadership for life. Meanwhile, the main opposition UML also passed a 22-point resolution by holding a central committee meeting. In which he decided to follow the path of purification/strengthening by reviewing the political/moral deviations growing within himself, apart from opposing and criticizing the government's working style. The royalist party RPRPA has announced a 'king back movement' demanding 40 points from the government.

Apart from these traditional activities of major political parties, this month saw a flood of literary festivals across the country. Literary festivals are/are going on in various cities. In which many issues have been debated. It is a positive thing in itself to have such diverse issues debated in civic forums. Such discussions help foster creativity and critical thinking in society. But, is our literary festival heading in this direction? Called

, the word comes to life at literary festivals. That is why it is also called 'Shabd Utsav'. Is it possible to feel such vibrancy in the literary festivals happening in our cities? How much have our festivals enhanced its meaning and value? Are festivals expanding or shrinking? With the numerical growth of the festival, questions have been raised about its justification and significance. This time this column will focus on the analysis of the questions raised on the literary festival.

Creative colorist Ghimire Yuvraj's frustration and this column's concerns are particularly similar. So, let's start this discussion by quoting his recent Facebook post.

He writes, 'Literature festivals are going on across the country. Literature festivals have become so liberal that there are all subjects of the world, literature has become 'lost'. Everything is connected with politics but it is not digested that Khadus, corrupt and uncultured minister and leader of Swamp got place in literature festival and gave gossip. ...I was very disappointed. ...Should we go to the literature festival to talk about ego or coalition or should we go to talk about ideas, consciousness, civilization, beautiful society?'

Ghimire expressed anger that certain organizers gave space to certain characters. However, as the literary festival is growing, it is necessary to debate its character and tendencies in its entirety, not limited to the circle of character selection. This article is not intended to be a 'content review' of a specific literary festival. However, it is a fact that such trends have been seen in the projects being done in the name of literary festival, but it has not quenched the appetite of a literature-loving reader/audience.

Such meetings are regularly held in different cities of different countries every year. For example, since 1983, the international literature gathering held in Edinburgh, Scotland is considered to be the biggest festival in the world. Where more than 800 writers from around the world gather. Another 100,000 visitors come to listen to writers at the 'Hey Literary Festival' in Wales, UK. A large number of writers/visitors also visit the Paris Book Fair, Melbourne Festival or the literary festival in Jaipur, India. That is, every year there are hundreds of literary festivals all over the world.

In Nepal, a literary festival has started to take place after about a decade and a half after being influenced by the Jaipur literary gathering. Following that, literary festivals have been organized at various local levels in recent years, apart from certain cities. The main objective of the

literary festival is to establish a bridge between writers and readers. Its main objective is also to promote literature writing and reading culture. Going further, debates/discussions on various contemporary topics and issues are also held in literary festivals. Critical consciousness building is believed to be hidden within these discourses. But, is this belief worthwhile?

Why our literary festivals have not been relatively worthwhile? There are some such characters/trends dominating the development of literary festivals in Nepal, which gives the feeling that these projects are becoming a 'ritual'.

Let's discuss some of those trends:

1. The same face, stale discussion

The power and success of literary festivals lies in the commentary they generate. What characters are chosen and how powerful a story the festival can tell, perhaps that is why its justification is established. Not a few famous international writers/experts have not got a place in the literary festivals held in Nepal. Even in Nepal, literary artists who write for their own pleasure sometimes appear, but most of the literary festivals become a platform for the alliance of some 'celebrity type' writers, journalists and leaders. As Ghimire Yuvraj expressed his displeasure, there are many examples of people getting 'excellent' opportunities because they did not get a stage at such festivals. To borrow the terminology used by the Communists, a handful of characters have become 'syndicates', literary festivals.

It is probably not fair to expect newness in 'content' after repeating characters every year. Issues raised many times in the media discourse, characters that have been heard many times and the stale discussion that takes place in the festival, which has a lot of interviews, have not been able to increase its ooze and attractiveness. Even though the organizer has organized a successful one another year, how much has the Literary Festival of Nepal been able to direct the society? is under question.

2. Lack of creativity

Literary festivals give readers a rare opportunity to interview their favorite author. The festival is believed to provide an opportunity for a reader to be inspired and enthused by intimate interaction with the author and his experiences. However, our literary festivals have failed to bridge the gap between readers and writers. Certainly, some limited characters have been given an opportunity of 'exposure' by these festivals. However, the same-style panel discussions, themes repeated every year, unprepared newspaper-style interviews etc. make the sessions 'boring'. Writer Shekhar Kharel, who is closely monitoring the

literary festival, has the same understanding. He says, "A panel was formed and questions like media interviews were asked and the session was over." In particular, the presentations of literary festivals have not become attractive and creative. There is a tendency to blindly imitate what is done at a literary festival, which makes these gatherings seem uncreative. There is a complete lack of innovation.'


fails to promote reading culture Another topic directly linked to literary festivals is reading culture. These festivals are important platforms for the development and expansion of reading culture. It is believed that these projects act as 'fuel' for the Jamaat, whether or not they are interested in reading. However, have these projects contributed to the development and expansion of reading culture in Nepal? Did the literary gathering increase the reading culture of Nepal? Looking at the international practice of

literary festivals, such events are often regarded as book festivals. These platforms are used to advertise and promote the book. However, in our context, these festivals have not done enough work in the development of reading culture. Also, the condition of reading culture in Nepal is poor. Only a limited number of people and hobbyists have adopted the culture of reading. Reading culture helps in building empathy and understanding among common people, it inspires to understand the society and the world from other points of view by getting out of selfishness and limited knowledge, helps in expanding practical life knowledge and skills, improves concentration, memory, expands vocabulary, and expresses ideas more effectively. Increases the ability to do. Literary festivals have failed to 'literate' the reader about these and other important aspects of reading culture.

4. Sponsorship-focused

literary festivals are one of the main reasons for failing to expand the culture of writing and reading, the commercial priority of the organizers. However, money is needed to operate and manage such projects. Such festivals are run under the sponsorship of a commercial/commercial organization, but the organizer should be clear about which organization will sponsor or not. Festival sponsorship must adhere to certain financial codes of conduct. Literature, writing, reading and creativity have been overshadowed by organizers focusing more on the economic side of literary festivals.

5. Conflict of interest

In some cases, when book publishing organizations are involved in literary festivals, conflict of interest can also raise questions about the effectiveness of such projects. There may be a situation where authors/literatures associated with the publishing house keep repeating but other great creators of 'Literature Fertility' are left out. Literary festivals are shrinking due to this trend.

In essence, a festival of literature is a flower bed where diverse ideas flourish. It is a place to open the doors of the mind through innovative debates and discussions. It helps to shape human culture, understanding of society and social values. That is, literary festivals are an important aspect of human society and culture building. It plays a role in shaping public opinion. Increases interest in reading and writing in the society. Plays a supportive role in promoting critical thinking and awareness. Learning can become an important platform for increasing knowledge. Such festivals can become a means of educating and sensitizing the society. Therefore, the activities and roles of such festivals which are concerned with the consciousness, intellectual development and expansion of the society should become the subject of social accounting.

Such festivals should not be a syndicate of some 'privileged' group, but should become the essence of the entire literature, writing and reading culture. It can satiate the appetite of literary readers/audiences only if it can rise from the narrow circle and celebrate pure literature. Be it in a beautiful and culturally important city or in a five-star hotel in the capital, every literature-loving reader/audience should be able to feel happy and not disappointed like the painter Ghimire Yuvraj. Only then is the justification of literary festivals established. Isn't it a matter of concern that the people who have been affected by ritualistic party hopping will feel the same way in the debates and forums in the civil circles? Those who think that they are dedicated to the promotion of literature should self-examine.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १४, २०८० ०७:४३
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