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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ११७

Drug testing is being done at Bharatpur Hospital for Covid-19 patients

Johns Hopkins University, Himalayan Trust Nepal and Bharatpur Hospital are jointly testing 'Emetin'

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What effect will the drug Emetin, which was used in the treatment of diarrhea, fever and diarrhea 50 years ago, have an effect on the treatment of Covid-19 caused by the infection of the corona virus? To find out, it will be used and tested in Bharatpur hospital in a few days. After the successful test on mice, Bharatpur Hospital is going to test it on corona infected people. It is an oral medicine and the price is also cheap.

Drug testing is being done at Bharatpur Hospital for Covid-19 patients

Johns Hopkins University, Himalayan Trust Nepal and Bharatpur Hospital are going to test this medicine. "For this clinical trial to be conducted at Bharatpur Hospital, approval has been received from the Ethics Review Committee of Nepal Health Research Council and the Ethical Review Committee of Johns Hopkins University," said Dr. Kalyan Sapkota, a doctor at Bharatpur Hospital who is one of the main researchers.

Earlier, 60 mg of emetine was used in the treatment of diarrhea . Sapkota said that they are now making 6mg of Emetin and giving it to Corona patients. Selected patients will take this medicine for 5 to 10 days. Likewise, their follow-up monitoring with evaluation and laboratory tests will continue for 90 days . Dr. Sapkota said that the final result of the test is expected to come within one to one and a half years.

Although there is a plan to include 600 people infected with the corona virus in the test, he said that due to the recent decrease in the number of infections, up to 450 people can participate. Patients who come within five days of being confirmed with Covid-19 or showing symptoms will be included in this test. Dr. Sapkota also said that their age should be above 50 years.

'Participating in this trial is a matter of individual freedom. We get them to sign a 10-page agreement. But it is their freedom to participate or not. Even if he participates, he will be able to leave at some point," said Dr. Sapkota. He said that because it is a medicine that has already been used in the world, now they are only trying to check its effectiveness in Covid-19.

'If this drug is found to be effective, many people can benefit from it . Its price will be Rs 5-7 per tablet. That's why this test is important," said Dr. Suman Pant, a researcher who is also a consultant of the Himalaya Trust. During the test, there will be regular monitoring of the 'side effects' and in case of adverse reactions, treatment will be managed by an expert team."

Johns Hopkins Dr. Kunchok Dorjee of the university is also the principal researcher of this research . "The infection of Covid-19 has decreased, but it has not stopped". Therefore, it seems necessary to find an effective treatment. What are the benefits of giving Emetin to infected patients? Should you be admitted to the hospital or not? Whether ICU or ventilator is needed or not, how effective it is to prevent death is to be determined," said Dr. Sapkota.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १९, २०८० १७:४९
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