२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८०

It is said that my name came in the co-operative fraud, there is nothing but the name: Home Minister Lamichhane

'The case has gone to court. I am not a defendant in the case, the name of Ravi Lamichhane is not mentioned in the statement of the defendant.

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Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane has clarified that he has no involvement in the matter of cooperatives. In Wednesday's meeting of the House of Representatives' State System and Good Governance Committee, Lamichhane said that his name was linked to the cooperative, but there was no fact to confirm it.

It is said that my name came in the co-operative fraud, there is nothing but the name: Home Minister Lamichhane

Home Minister Lamichhane said that there is no other fact to confirm his involvement in cooperative fraud. He also said that he will not influence the investigation. The Congress MPs said that Home Minister Lamichhane's name came up in the cooperative and asked him to step down until the investigation. In response, Lamichhane said that since the complaint was received while the Congress was in government and the facts were not found, his influence will not be included in the investigation .

'The topic of cooperation has come up . It came to me that my name was in a cooperative. Where my name is, there is nothing but the name . Signature, Lapche, KYC nothing . "I have not received any letter, nor has there been any case," Home Minister Lamichhane said, "The case has gone to court." I am not a defendant in the case, the name of Ravi Lamichhane is not mentioned in the statement of the defendant.

Stating that Inspector General of Police Basant Kunwar made it clear that there is no truth in the report filed with the police, Home Minister Lamichhane said that he was not involved. "There is a complaint in the police, as an information, it is also something that is not registered," he said .

Lamichhane recalled that he was reported to the police when the Congress party was in government and he was in the opposition. It happened when the honorable party was in government. Answer should be given after talking. The people who voted for me will say that it is a fraud again,' he said, 'the investigation will be done by the police . The minister will not investigate . The minister will not give instructions . It happened long before I came to the government, a long time ago.'

Inspector General of Police Basant Kunwar said that there was a complaint regarding Suryadarshan Cooperative in Pokhara and Ravi Lamichhane was named in it. He also informed the Public Order and Good Governance Committee that there was no fact to confirm the complaint.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १४, २०८० १४:३५
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