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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८०

The Ministry's request to not charge fees in public schools and to enforce standards in private schools


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The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has requested the local levels not to charge any fee including enrollment of students up to secondary level in public schools and for the effective implementation of fee standards in private investment schools.

The Ministry's request to not charge fees in public schools and to enforce standards in private schools

The Ministry has published a notice through the website and requested to implement/enforce accordingly the provision of not charging admission fees, monthly tuition fees, examination fees and textbooks in public schools as mentioned in Rule 5 of Compulsory and Free Education Regulations, 2077.

This request has been made under the direction of Education Minister Sumana Shrestha for the effective implementation of the provision of the fundamental right of free and compulsory education in the constitution.

In sub-section (2) of section 11 of the Local Government Operation Act, 2074, there is a provision regarding the management of free education, student incentives and scholarships under the duties, duties and rights of rural municipalities and municipalities. According to the same, based on the laws (standards or guidelines or procedures or others) approved by the local level, it has been requested to effectively implement the provisions related to free education in public schools and fee determination and scholarship distribution in private investment schools, informed the spokesperson of the ministry, Shivkumar Sapkota.

Similarly, as mentioned in sub-section (3) of section 27 of the Compulsory and Free Education Act, 2075, every private investment school and school run under public educational group, schools with up to 500 students from early childhood development and education to 12th grade, at least ten percent, The ministry has also reminded to implement the system that schools with 500 to 800 students must reserve at least 12 percent of the seats and schools with more than 800 students must reserve at least 15 percent of the students to provide free education. As mentioned in rule 11 and 12 of the

regulations, a scholarship management committee is formed under the chairmanship of the local level president or chief and proper management of the identification, selection and distribution of scholarships and special arrangements and opportunities for the children who will be provided according to the rules and the monitoring thereof after completing the prescribed process. To arrange to do There is also a request from the ministry.

Likewise, according to sub-rules (2), (3), (40 and (5)) of rule 147, using the basis of fee determination prescribed in clause (b) of schedule 22 related to sub-rule 2 of rule 147 of Education Regulations, 2059 The federal government has requested that there be an arrangement to determine the fees of investment (institutional) schools.

Schools cannot charge fees other than monthly tuition, annual, admission, examination, computer, transfer certificate, special training, accommodation fee, transportation and meal fee. As per rule 146 as well as section 14 (1) of Institutional School Fee Determination Standards Guideline 2072, it is requested to implement the system to maintain the maximum limit of fees and determine fees as prescribed. As we have received public complaints that it is mandatory to buy books, stationery, clothes etc. from the place and shop, this kind of action should be stopped immediately and the parents should be given the opportunity to buy from the open market. has been taken

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १२, २०८० १६:४८
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