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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २०८

New alliance to meet people's expectations: Industries Minister Bhandari


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Industry, Commerce and Supply Minister Damodar Bhandari has said that a new alliance has been formed to meet people's expectations. Inaugurating the ninth district session of UML Baitadi in Patan on Monday, Minister Bhandari said that the need for a new alliance has been felt to change people's despair into hope.

New alliance to meet people's expectations: Industries Minister Bhandari

Minister Bhandari said, 'UML has succeeded in turning the national challenge into unity. We have gone to the government to meet people's expectations. People's heads will not be bowed down. Work will be done keeping Baitadi and the entire Far West in the center.

Minister Bhandari stated that the current alliance has become for building the country and expressed the opinion that it is necessary to turn the challenge into an opportunity. He said, 'The country is in a critical situation.' As long as we are in government, we have taken it as a golden opportunity. We are committed to work in favor of the people.'

Minister Bhandari said that there has been a change in the country based on the balance of political power and emphasized that everyone should be united as the party went on 'Mission-84'.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन २८, २०८० १७:०४
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