२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९१

The proposal of the 12th Congress of the United Nations in June


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Nepal Vidyarthi Sangh (Nevisangh) has proposed to hold the 12th convention in the coming June. While the general committee meeting of the mother party Nepali Congress is going on, the New Union has presented a resolution and concept paper in the general committee meeting and has also proposed the date of the general meeting.

The proposal of the 12th Congress of the United Nations in June

Dujang Sherpa, President of the Navy Union, said that the general committee was informed about the policies, plans and visions of the convention along with the schedule of the convention on behalf of the Navy Union. Now the date of the convention is proposed. This general committee has been submitted to the meeting," he said, "when the party approves it, we will proceed with the decision from the central committee meeting."

/ There is a proposed agenda for the city convention.

Similarly, there is a proposal of the union to hold a convention in campus universities in the valley from June 6 to 10, to hold a convention in all 77 districts on June 16, and to hold a provincial convention on June 25.

Then Chairman Sherpa said that it was proposed to hold the 12th Central Congress on June 11th. Our central committee is having a meeting. We will pass the agenda of the convention from the central committee,' he said, 'maybe something is above, but we are committed to holding the convention within one year.' And it is proposed to resolve that the allocation should be ensured for the study and research sector.

Similarly, in order to solve the problem of youth and student migration abroad i.e. brain drain, it has been demanded to be included in the education system of Nepal, the school higher education bill should be amended by adopting the policy of earning and studying, and the system of having the prime minister as the chancellor of the universities should be reviewed.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ९, २०८० १८:१३
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