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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २०८

KC's proposal in the Congress General Committee meeting- 'Let's ban 1000 and 500 notes'


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Congress central member Arjun Narasimha KC has proposed banning of Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes in the party's general committee meeting. He mentioned that there is a need to demonetize the country's currency to prevent it from becoming a channel for black money.

KC's proposal in the Congress General Committee meeting- 'Let's ban 1000 and 500 notes'

People like us who are involved in politics have hidden bags of money. A misleading message has been sent to the people that they have built warehouses of money all over the room . There is a common belief that mafia, middlemen, black money tycoons have got hold of the power . There is a need to demonetize the country's currency so that it does not become a medium for black money,' he said, 'therefore, the government should be ready to take steps up to the banning of Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes and the Congress should dare to take the lead.'

He mentioned that financial anarchy and indiscipline has reached its peak . "The anti-corruption slogan is only limited to speech." Therefore, the country should commit to the formation of a powerful judicial commission of people who can be trusted under the coordination of the former Chief Justice to investigate all the famous corruption scandals . I have presented this proposal many times in the meeting of the central committee of the party,' he said.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ९, २०८० १७:५३
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