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२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२२

Budget of Lalitpur Metropolitan Municipality passed by Municipal Assembly


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The City Council of Lalitpur Metropolitan Municipality has passed the proposed annual budget for the coming financial year.

Budget of Lalitpur Metropolitan Municipality passed by Municipal Assembly

Raju Maharjan, spokesperson and chairman of Ward No. 9, informed that the annual budget and financial bill for the fiscal year 2081/82 presented by Deputy Chief Manjali Shakya Bajracharya in the council meeting held on June 10th was unanimously passed by today's council meeting. The metropolis brought a budget of 7 billion 46 crore 83 lakh 92 thousand.

"In the annual budget, it is estimated that one billion 328 million will be received from the federal government and 2292 million 92 thousand from the Bagmati provincial government, and three billion 55 million 96 million will be collected from internal sources", said spokesperson Maharjan said. According to

spokesperson Maharjan, 2 billion 788 million has been allocated for current expenses and 4 billion 67 million 94 million for capital. Metropolitan Chief Chiribabu Maharjan informed that environmental planning has been given first priority in this year's annual budget.

'Step by step, we discussed in a formal and informal manner, after intensive discussion in the Municipal Council, the budget was passed with some amendments put forward by the members of the Municipal Council. We have given priority to children too", Chief Maharjan said.

The metropolis has been prioritizing the preservation of the urban beauty by protecting the environment, promoting greenery as well as preserving the pond.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ २२:३१
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