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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५७

Congress, UML should confirm the justification of throwing us: Varshman again

There is no reason for the government to resign because of self-pity: Varshman Pun, Finance Minister and Maoist Deputy General Secretary

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The Maoist secretariat meeting has decided that Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal will not resign even though a new alliance has been formed between the Congress-UML. Even though UML, the main component of the ruling party, left the party, Prime Minister Dahal has said that he will take a vote of confidence from the parliament. What is the reason for this? Talking to Kantipur's Ganga BC about this, Finance Minister and Maoist Deputy General Secretary Varshman Pun said that UML should confirm the justification of changing the power equation and said that they will take a vote of confidence in the Parliament.

Congress, UML should confirm the justification of throwing us: Varshman again

What do you see as the reason for Congress, UML forming another alliance?

According to KP Oliji, the national government has been formed. Oliji has said that I have not reached a decision yet. Deubaji has said that now Oliji is the Prime Minister, he will be the leader of the electoral government. He said we will agree.

The prime minister has said that he will not resign despite the alliance between Congress and UML, what is the main reason?

No one has told us to resign now, even though we have withdrawn our support . It has been said to form a national government, this government has been formed. Even if Deubaji agreed with UML, the resignation of the government has not been demanded . There is no such thing as someone resigning without asking for resignation, without withdrawing the support given to the government. We will decide after the situation is cleared . If any party in Sarka withdraws support, we will try to get a vote of confidence from the Parliament .

If someone withdraws support, a vote of confidence must be taken within one month, till then this government will remain ?

We try to take a vote of confidence within thirty days . If we get the vote of confidence, we will form the government again, as before, we formed the government together with the UML and the Maoists. At that time Congress again supported . We ask everyone for a vote of confidence. Until then, someone may change their mind .

Congress and UML have reached an agreement to amend the constitution, how do you take it?

Amending the constitution means withdrawing from the current situation . There is a tendency to amend the constitution and bring a king. Within the Congress-UML, there is a regression to cancel the federalism, inclusive, and proportional election system . Amending the constitution in that direction is retrogressive. No one will accept the political achievements so far, ignoring the sacrifices . I don't think anyone dares to do that .

The prime minister is not resigning and is looking for justification for the new alliance in the government and parliament?

Congress, UML have to confirm the justification of throwing us. Are we going to throw it away because we have brought good governance, prosperity, and a balanced budget? I need a reasonable answer to that. If not, we will confirm that we will not leave the government immediately and we will form the government of Buhamat again.

What is the meaning of calling the alliance of Congress, UML an 'unnatural alliance'?

We have nothing to say to the Congress . There is no enmity with the Congress. When talking about social justice and prosperity, we are theoretically close to UML. Because of that, there is an equation between us. We have made an equation with the UML for political stability by taking into account the left-wing vote . There was no problem between us and UML. But the answer to forming another coalition should be answered by the friends of UML . We want to work on economic prosperity and social justice. What is UML trying to do by leaving the convenient government? UML should tell the people the reason for this . Why has EMAL left the natural collaboration with Maoists? The answer should be given to the people!

Do you see the hand of external forces in changing the equation ?

I don't think so . Some say they transacted on authority cases, some say they transacted on cases under investigation by CIB, some say they transacted on opening files under investigation . I will confirm that timeline rather than make accusations .

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal and UML President KP Sharma Oli have formed another equation due to personal ego ?

More than that, Oli's mind is said to have fixed the dissolution of parliament. Is he trying to dissolve the parliament by creating political instability? Are you trying to dissolve the parliament and make the previous steps correct? Oliji seems to think that the dissolution of parliament is right. We hope that will not happen.

Do you see the possibility of cooperating with UML again until the next election?

It's too early to comment on this now . There is left public opinion, it says Mill . Cooperation between like-minded parties is natural. We don't have much to say now. We have our own history. The issue is . We will proceed with our case in any case .

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ १७:३२
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