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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १०३

Construction of safe houses by army in flood affected areas


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The Nepali Army has constructed a safe house in Kanchanpur's Dodhara Chandni Municipality-10 Kutiakavar to keep the local residents safe in the event that the flow of the Mahakali river rises and the flood enters the settlement.

Construction of safe houses by army in flood affected areas

During a program at Kutiakavar on Monday, Ganesh Kumar Shrestha, the former commander of the Army's Far West Purtana, handed over a newly constructed safe house to the head of Dodhara Chandni Municipality, Kishore Limvu.

From the budget received under the Nepali Army's early effective project A safe house has been constructed at Kutiakavar in Dodhara Chandni, which is at a high risk of flooding, by Sridal Gulm of the Army in Kanchanpur.

Pritnapati Shrestha said that up to 60 local residents can be kept safe when the house is built at a cost of 20 lakhs for the army and 5 lakhs for the local municipality for 2.5 lakhs.

Pritanapati Shrestha informed that an amount of 20 million has been allocated under the army's early effective project He said that 8 out of that amount will be provided in the areas under Pritna where there is a need to build physical structures for disaster management, and disaster management mitigation work will be done by providing the budget. In the event, Mayor Kishore Limwu expressed his happiness that the army has built a safe house in a short period of 3 months. He said that another safe house under construction should be completed soon with the help of various non-governmental organizations and municipalities.

Jogbudha on the west side and Mahakali river on the east side, Kutiakavar is a high risk settlement of Dodhara. Motiram Sunar, a local resident, said that during the past rainy season, when the flood entered the village, the locals used to climb the trees to save their lives. Most of the houses in the settlement where 42 families live are covered with tin and mud.

In the twenties, families who migrated from districts including Dailekh, Salyan, Surkhet and Jajarkot of present-day Karnali province are living here.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ २१:०६
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