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२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Revenue collection of one crore rupees from Yarsa collector

राजबहादुर शाही

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The government has collected more than one crore rupees from those who go to pick the precious herb Yarsagumba. In Patan area of ​​Dolpa this year, 7,400 people have come to collect yersa. According to the office of She-Foksundo National Park, Rs.

Revenue collection of one crore rupees from Yarsa collector

Last year about 4 thousand yarsa collectors came here to pick yarsa . 85 lakhs of revenue was collected from them. But this time compared to last year, both collection and revenue have increased She-Foksundo National Park Office Senior Conservation Officer Bishwababu Shrestha told Kantipur .

This time compared to last year, twice as many Yarsa collectors have entered Patan and the revenue has been collected more than 41 lakh rupees compared to last year, he said. 500 per person and 2000 per person for locals outside the park and 3000 per person for locals outside the Dolpa district according to Senior Conservation Officer Shrestha.

30 to 50 percent of the total collected revenue will be spent on the community development of the park area. She-Foksundo National Park Office, according to the details of Yarsa collector and revenue statement, 1500 Yarsa collection pit has been entered from Toijam area of ​​Dolpa and 1.5 million revenue has been collected from there .

When 100 Yarsa collectors entered Patan from Dolfu area of ​​Mugum Karmarong Rural Municipality of Mugu, 194,000 revenue was raised. Similarly, 2 thousand 41 Yarsa collectors entered Patan from the main office area of ​​She-Foksundo National Park area and 29 lakh 74 thousand 500 revenue was collected from them, the park said.

3 lakh 79 thousand revenue has been collected from 473 people from Khepka area of ​​Dolpa. 1 hundred and 3 Yarsa collectors have entered Patan from Rimmu area of ​​Phoksundo lake and 177 thousand revenue has been collected from them .

450 Yarsa collectors from Tripura area of ​​Dolpa went to Patan and 2 lakh 55 thousand revenue was recovered from them . Similarly, 70 lakh 37 thousand revenue was collected when 2700 Yarsa collectors went to Patan from the Dorange Post in Dolpa, according to the office of She-Foksundo National Park.

Yarsa is found in 32 places of Dolpa district. Compared to Mugu district, more revenue is collected from Dolpa Yarsa. Locals from around 7 districts have entered the Patan area of ​​Dolpa to pick Yarsa.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १४, २०८१ १७:०४
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