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१८.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २४८

Hailstorm destroys millions of bricks in West Nawalparasi

नवीन पौडेल

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Raw bricks worth about 40 million rupees have been destroyed due to hail and rain in West Nawalparasi. Businessmen have become worried after the rain that came during brick making damaged the bricks that were being prepared.

Hailstorm destroys millions of bricks in West Nawalparasi

According to Gopal Bhattarai, district member of Brick Traders Federation and owner of Tirupati Brick Industry, more than 1 crore 25 lakhs worth of raw bricks were destroyed in 22 industries in the district due to hailstorm on Monday night.

At the time of preparing for the year, it has been estimated that the production will decrease and the price will increase after the rain damages.

During the economic recession, the businessmen complain that the business is collapsing when the work done by bringing workers from India with advance payment is damaged. Businessmen have demanded that proper compensation should be given after collecting the details of the damage.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १४, २०८० १४:०२
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