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Arrest warrant against 18 people including Brindavan city chief Kurmi

शिव पुरी

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An arrest warrant has been issued against Binod Raut Kurmi, the mayor of Brindavan Municipality. Area Police Office Garuda has taken the arrest order from District Court Gaur. City chief Kurmi has not been arrested even after the court order.

Arrest warrant against 18 people including Brindavan city chief Kurmi

He is doing daily municipal work . While the warrant of arrest was issued, the council meeting was held on June 10 in the presence of security personnel.

In the evening of June 27, 2081, Muralidhar Rai Yadav, son of Vrindavan-4 Ward Chairman Shyam Rai Yadav, filed a criminal case against 14 people including Mayor Kurmi for committing criminal activities in the evening of June 27, 2081, in which the shed, house and calves of Rahul Fish and Farm Company located in Vrindavan Municipality-1 were injured. Kitani filed a complaint at Garuda police office.

The police registered the complaint and obtained an arrest warrant from the court on June 2. District Police Garuda DSP Rameshwar Twati said that arrest warrants have been issued against 14 people including city chief Kurmi in the arson incident.

'Initially it was reported that arson had been committed . We have registered and taken the arrest warrant against the mayor and others,' he said. Ward 2 chairman Sikindra Patel, city chief's candidate Maoist leader Ram Prasad Patel and 18 other people filed a complaint on June 8. The complaint has also been registered by the local police. After the rumor of the registration of the complaint, the person including the ward chairman Shyam Rai Yadav went to the local police and retaliated.

'After a week and a half to solve the fire incident, the police have registered a complaint of JCB vandalism,' Ward Chairman Shyam said, 'The person who needs to be arrested is walking freely. The police has shown silence .'

On May 1st, the municipality sold the excavator to the contractor for excavating the river bed in Wagmati. Former city chief Ramsnehi Rai Yadav, Maoist leader and municipal candidate Ram Prasad Patel, ward president Shyam Rai Yadav and other local residents protested against the rules.

In the meantime, the town chief Kurmi and the locals started running away in the Bagmati river. Where the deposit was being excavated with excavators. After summoning a large number of security personnel in that area, Mayor Kurmi continued the excavation, and the conflict turned fierce.

Chief District Officer Hiralal Regmi called both parties to the district administration office and held a discussion on June 25. It was agreed not to use excavators while excavating riverine materials, but to use wheeled JCBs . But the incident took a violent turn after some local people arrived on June 27 and started vandalism saying that the mayor Kurmi had used a confiscated excavator. On the same day in the evening, there was arson in the firm of ward president Shyam Rai Yadav.

The animal in his barn has also been burnt in the arson . It has been mentioned in the police complaint that there was a loss of 54 lakh 35 thousand in the incident of arson. It is mentioned in the complaint that Mayor Kurmi took revenge many times and people who came in a group of 25/30 people set fire to the firm.

Mayor Kurmi himself is involved in the incident of arson, said Murlidhar Yadav. "Mayor Pramukh Kurmi himself came and set fire to the firm," he said.

Mayor Kurmi said that the allegation that he was involved in the arson incident was completely false. But Kitani Joheri is said to have set fire on his instructions. Regarding the arrest warrant against him, the city chief Kurmi accused the local police Garuda of bullying.

'I was involved in an incident that was said to be arson . They filed a complaint with my name in the middle," he said. "The police registered the complaint and took the arrest warrant without looking."

It seems that the area police Garuda took the arrest warrant from the court on June 2 and communicated it to police station Bishrampur and district police.

Even though the arrest warrant was issued, the local residents including former mayor Ramsnehi Rai Yadav, ward chairpersons Shyam Rai Yadav and Sikindra Patel have protested saying that instead of arresting them, the police provided security for the town meeting. A week ago, they had reached the area police Garuda and demonstrated in front of the office. Kurmi won the city chief from the United Samajwadi Party . He has now gone to the capital to participate in the party convention.

Police, apart from Mayor Kurmi, Dharmendra Patel of Vrindavan-6, Harinarayan Raut, Baiju Patel, Shusil Patel, Bajrangi Patel, Ramashish Raut, Ward 9 Surendra Patel, Shankar Patel, Bachchu Patel, Ward 2 Sikindr Patel, Chabilal Patel, Debendra Patel, and Ward No. 1 Ajay Patel issued an arrest warrant.

Since then, Mayor Kurmi said that arrest warrants have been issued for the names of 18 people, including Ward Chairman Shyam Rai Yadav of Ward 4, Sikindra Patel, Ward Chairman of Ward 2, and Maoist leader Ram Prasad Patel, the city candidate. DSP Twati of the local police also said that arrest warrants have been issued against 18 people.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ २१:२६
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