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२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८४

Training in making attractive materials from bamboo

डम्बरसिंह राई

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Jantedhunga rural municipality has given training in making various materials from bamboo. The training was given at a cost of one lakh rupees in the current financial year of the rural municipality.

Training in making attractive materials from bamboo

Khem Bahadur Khadka, the vice president of the rural municipality, said that refresher training has been given to generate income by using local raw materials.

Last financial year, Khadka told that basic training was given to make material from bamboo with 350,000 rupees of the village. Khadka said that after last year's training, he was given a refresher training for further ship development as he had also earned income by making attractive materials from bamboo.

Khadka said that 9 people who took basic training last year were given refresher training this year. They have made various attractive materials like furniture, vases, pen holders, cups, mugs etc. from bamboo. Khadka said that the bamboo materials made by them are sold in Kathmandu, Dharan, Gaighat and other places.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १४, २०८० १८:०८
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