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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७२

The body of the three missing girls was found in Sunkoshi


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The body of Rekha Magar of Triyuga Municipality-14 Saune, who went missing three days ago while bathing in Sunkoshi after celebrating Holi, was found on Wednesday morning.

The body of the three missing girls was found in Sunkoshi

According to the District Police Office, Udaipur, the body of 12-year-old Rekha Magar was found on Wednesday morning at a place called Suryadhunga, 6 km below Dhaplang in Saune.

The local fishermen put a net in Koshi in the evening and when they went to see the net in the morning, they saw the body of the dead crocodile in the water and informed the police. Chief of District Police Office Ramesh Thapa said that preparations are being made to bring Rekha's body to the district hospital for autopsy.

Only on Tuesday, the body of 8-year-old Ridham Magar, one of the three who went missing, was found at a place called Ghirling, 1,400 meters below the incident site. Three days ago, 12-year-old Rekha Magar, 14-year-old Lok Bahadur Magar and 8-year-old Ridam Magar of Trinpa-14 Saune went missing in the river after going to bathe in Sunkoshi after playing Holi.

Armed police diving team from Itahari in Sunsari along with local police and locals are continuing the search for the missing children. Among the missing, the body of Rhythm Magar was found on Tuesday. Police also said that the body of another missing 10-year-old Lok Bahadur Magar has not been found.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १४, २०८० ११:५६
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