कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५७

"Dhoksa Pataphap for Power"

पाठक पत्र

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Some comments taken from facebook.com/eKantipur on 'Satta Uthaluphal Ko Exercise' news:

Prachanda, the Chairman of the Maoist Center, got the opportunity to become the Prime Minister only because of the sincerity of the Nepali Congress. If Congress supports UML as Prime Minister, the government will collapse tomorrow and a strong power alliance will be formed between Congress and UML.
– Surendra Maharjan

India, our near neighbor, is such a big country, the government continues to run for 5 years after an election. In Nepal, sleeping at night is different, waking up in the morning is different.
– Birendrasingh Thagunna

After the Balkot meeting on Saturday, there has been a wave in Nepali politics due to the suspicion that Deuba attacked the father of Balkot.
- Pushparaj Chamlagari

Sher Bahadur Deuba is afraid that Arju will also be arrested as Arju is also involved in the same case along with Bechan Jha. It seems that Deuba is only participating in the government and preparing to go to the government by giving everything to the UML.
– Ishwar Thapa

According to reports so far, Congress and UML leaders-activists have been embroiled in a major corruption case, and when the file of the Bhutanese refugee case was reopened, a landslide occurred. This country is not a party of Congress and Deuba, who rejoice in the achievements of that great people's war, and the word people's war is not acceptable in the budget.
– Nar Bhandari

Now Congress, UML together put Ravi, Balen and Hark in jail and run the Rana regime and loot the country and make them poor.
– Santosh Bohra

Prachanda's government should be.
– Bhaktinath Neupane

Congress and UML would not let people live happily.
- Mahendra Thapa

Congress and UML must be the government to increase the confidence of industrialists and citizens who want to do something in the country. These are the parties that got popular votes.
– Dharnidhar Dahal

All this is an exercise to protect your people.
– Gyanu Basnet

Remove the province and make the prime minister elected by the people's vote.
– Hiramani Ghimire

Oli should become the prime minister after the government collapses, the shutter of Prachanda's unstable character should be closed forever.
- Rajanjung Kunwar

Those who broke up Upendra Yadav's party are about to change the government themselves. Stay disciplined, they will pay again in the alliance!
– Subhash Chandra

Especially now, if they put us in jail, all our misdeeds will be exposed, because of this mentality, the country will never be built.
– Samden Chogyal

Now the tumultuous government reshuffle has started. They are the ones who will do anything for position and power.
- Khimanand Neupane

The above-mentioned may be due to the leadership of power by one of the two big parties.
– Vishnu Khanal

Rather than staying in the government and coveting the position, he will get high respect from the people if he accepts the proposal to amend the constitution and become the direct executive prime minister and retire from politics.
– Tilak Thapa

What happened when the file was opened, there was a commotion. See everyone.
- Arjun Kandel

What is the job of this leader?
– Deepak Ghimire

Had to save his corrupt leader, change fast.
- Devendra Raj Vick

The previous government was fine, Prachanda fell into Oli's trap.
– Jackie Chan

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ १०:५२
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