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Nepali Congress requests the Prime Minister to pave the way for the formation of a new government


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The Nepali Congress has requested Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal to pave the way for the formation of a new government. Even after the new alliance between Congress and MLA, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal is taking a stand to move forward only by facing the Parliament, the Nepali Congress, the main party of the new power alliance, requested this at the meeting of the Central Executive Committee.

Nepali Congress requests the Prime Minister to pave the way for the formation of a new government

In the meeting held on Wednesday morning at the residence of Chairman Sher Bahadur Deuba, Budanilkanth, the two major parties and other parties also voted in favor of the new power balance. Prakasharan Mahat informed.

He said, 'After two big parties, Nepali Congress and UML, have been asked to form a government, naturally the honorable Prime Minister should pave the way. That has also come to our decision. He is apt to pave the way. And, the support of other parties is also being announced. This is a new equation. In this regard, our executive committee meeting has also requested the honorable Prime Minister to pave the way.'

Similarly, the meeting has also approved the agreement made with UML for the new power balance. Spokesman Mahat also clarified that the meeting will increase the understanding between the two parties to amend the constitution only through intensive discussions with all the parties.

He said, 'The agreement reached between the NCP UML and the Nepali Congress regarding future cooperation is related to the formation of the government. It was welcomed. And supported. And, at the same time, the agreement that has been reached between the leaders of the two parties. The agreement that was reached between our party chairman, Honorable Sher Bahadur Deubaji and CPN (UML) President KP Sharma Oli. We had already informed our media friends about the basic content of that agreement. Basically, to give stability to the country, to gather national consensus to cooperate for good governance, stability, economic prosperity, and to connect the parties that agree on the issue.'

Similarly, he said that the meeting was informed about the question of leadership. He said, 'As far as leadership is concerned. There is a question of government leadership. Initially, the government will be formed under the leadership of CPN-UML President KP Sharma Oli and until the general elections are held in the second phase, our party chairman Honorable Sher Bahadur Deuba will lead the government. This is the main content of the agreement. That agreement has been approved by the executive committee.'

Similarly, the Nepali Congress said that the meeting also approved the decision of the party chairman Deuba to extend the term of the party's fraternal organization and director committee. He said, 'Party chairman said that the decision regarding the fraternal organization was also discussed regarding the extension of time. There was also a discussion about the board of directors. That decision has also been approved by the executive committee. This is the theme.'

प्रकाशित : असार १९, २०८१ १२:१४
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