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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९८

Whether GB Rai is in heaven or hell, we will catch him and bring him: Home Minister

"The co-operative, which is said to be a co-operative, has someone's illegal money invested in it. Who is calling a person who doesn't even have an account to hide his black money a fraud?

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Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane has said that GB Rai, the co-operative fraudster, will be arrested wherever he lives. He promised to arrest Rai wherever he is in the country or abroad.

Whether GB Rai is in heaven or hell, we will catch him and bring him: Home Minister

Lamichhane said in a program on Saturday that Rai will be arrested while the main opposition is demanding his resignation in the parliament due to his involvement in cooperative fraud. He has claimed that he has no involvement with Rai. He said that he is connected with Rai on television, but he is not involved in any other business. "If GB Rai is guilty, he should learn a lesson and take action. Whether it is in the sky or in the underworld, we will catch him and bring him back." It will take time, we will also find out who ran away,' he said.

Lamichhane has said that the source of the property kept in the cooperative will also be sought. He said, 'The co-operative, which is said to be a co-operative, has someone's illegal money in the co-operative, and now that will also be accounted for. Who is calling a person who doesn't even have an account to hide his black money a fraud?

Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Lamichhane said that he will return the money of the cooperative's savers with interest. He said, 'Don't take a break from politics until the money of the savers in the cooperative is returned with interest. Wherever he is hiding, whether he is in the country, whether he is abroad, whether he is in the sky, whether he is in the underworld, we will catch him and bring him.'

Lamichhane also said that staying in the government will not take revenge from anyone. He said, 'We have not gone to seek revenge in the state . We do not take revenge on anyone . We know that some seek revenge on us, but we do not. We don't go beyond what the law says.'

Lamichhane, who is also the chairman of the RSWP, took the risk and went to the RSWP government. He said that the day he could not work and was not allowed to work, he would leave the government. He said, 'We don't want to go astray like the big political party of the country. Let's leave the days of not being able to work and not getting it. We have walked away with resignation in our bags.'

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १०, २०८० १७:१६
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