कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
१६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २४०

The commitment of the ruling coalition to make an effective diplomatic effort to take back the encroached lands


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The ruling coalition has promised to make effective diplomatic efforts to bring back the lands that India has lost. In the common commitment of the five-party ruling coalition, it is mentioned that India will make effective diplomatic efforts to take back the land from Kalapani area to Susta.

The commitment of the ruling coalition to make an effective diplomatic effort to take back the encroached lands

In the joint commitment released on Tuesday at Singha Darbar, it is said, 'To further strengthen the geographical integrity, sovereignty, independence and freedom of Nepal . To advance effective diplomatic efforts to take back Nepalese lands including Limpiyadhura, Lipulek, Kalapani, Susta.'

It is also mentioned that the ruling coalition will 'effectively manage the border'. There is no mention of how such management will be done. Also, it is mentioned that the government will protect the national interests and embrace an independent and non-aligned foreign policy.

'Putting the defense of Nepal's nationality, sovereignty, geographical integrity, independence, freedom, self-respect and national interests at the center. Adopting an independent, neutral and non-aligned foreign policy based on the Charter of the United Nations, the principles of Panchasheel, principles of world peace, international commitments and justice,'' the common commitment states, 'with sovereign equality, mutual interest and respect at the center of foreign relations, with both neighbors and all friendly countries. Conducting a balanced, reliable and friendly relationship .'

It has also been mentioned that the parties in the ruling coalition will review the treaty agreements made by Nepal. "To protect and promote Nepal's interests, to review the existing treaties and agreements, to make new treaties and agreements as needed, to increase affiliation in bilateral and multilateral organizations," the common commitment states, "nationality, national security, foreign relations, major economic issues and strategic infrastructure, etc. To try to build a national consensus on the basic issues of the nation.'

Similarly, the power coalition's commitment to ease the process of citizenship distribution is also mentioned. It is said to address the legitimate issues raised by non-resident Nepalis to use their skills and capital in the national interest.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ६, २०८० १७:१४
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