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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९८

Gold smuggling case: Gurung released on bail of 1.5 million


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Former Vice President Nanda Bahadur Pun's adviser Jeevan Kumar Gurung, who was arrested in the gold smuggling case, has been released on a bail of 1.5 million.

Gold smuggling case: Gurung released on bail of 1.5 million

The bench of Judge Madhav Prasad Adhikari of District Court Kathmandu has ordered Gurung to be released on bail of 1.5 million.

A case had already been filed in the court against Gurung, who was arrested in the gold smuggling case. District Court Information Officer Chandra Prasad Panthi informed that Gurung, who was arrested on February 14, was released on a bail of 1.5 million.

When Nanda Bahadur was vice president again, Gurung was foreign affairs advisor. He was arrested for being involved in gold smuggling.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ५, २०८० १७:४३
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