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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९८

Shrestha said that she would give a vote of confidence to the Prime Minister: The parties should clarify their ground

"The power interest of the big party is making the small political parties aware rather than weak".

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National Liberation Party President and Member of Parliament Ranjita Shrestha has said that political parties should clarify their ground. She also drew the attention of Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal to understand that small political parties are the people's trust.

Shrestha said that she would give a vote of confidence to the Prime Minister: The parties should clarify their ground

Informing that Prime Minister Dahal is in favor of the vote of confidence proposal in the House of Representatives, MP Shrestha asked him to understand his role. "Political parties must clearly define their ground and address the fundamental and progressive consciousness of the Nepalese people, and the challenge of conducting political programs has come to all of us," she said. "The Prime Minister will understand the role of small political parties."

Shrestha says that the power interests of the big parties are making the small political parties aware and not weak.

Civil Liberation Party was in favor of good governance through political stability and Shrestha also said. She said, 'Small political parties are not only the essence of power but also the trust of the people.'

There is a dispute within the Civil Liberation Party about whether to give a vote of confidence to the Prime Minister. Shrestha, the leader of the parliamentary party, has issued a whip to vote in favor of the Prime Minister.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ३०, २०८० १४:२४
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