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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८४

General Secretary Jha's letter to LOSPA President Thakur- 'Unable to lead, take rest'

What went wrong after planning the trip from Tamalopa to Lospa? Is it time to issue a white paper to the Madhesi people?'

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The General Secretary of the Democratic Socialist Party (LOSP) Keshav Jha has sent a letter to President Mahant Thakur to resign from the leadership saying that he is incapable of leading. He asked Thaku to take a break from leadership and hand it over to others.

General Secretary Jha's letter to LOSPA President Thakur- 'Unable to lead, take rest'

Sending a written letter on Sunday, General Secretary Jha has said that the party is in decline now and what will he do for Madhesh when he left the Congress 16 years ago and asked him to evaluate what has happened in Madhesh now.

'Madhesh is being led here. Is it time for a self-assessment? Will you make a synthesized opinion by analyzing ruthlessly, Mr. Jew? After planning the trip from Tamalopa to Lospa, what went wrong? Is it time to issue a white paper to the Madhesi people? LOSPA is still a party carrying the legacy of four parties (Tamlopa, Sadbhavana, RamSP, NESPA)' said in the letter of General Secretary Jha, 'Nothing has been damaged yet Mr President, now is the time to change gears to increase the speed . Is he going to take a break by entrusting the heir to that legacy, Mr. Jew? To guide by assuming guardianship? History does not always give opportunities, it would be wise to cover the opportunity early Mr. President.'

Jha has analyzed the politics of Madhesh that nothing else can happen except raising the movement and turning it into opportunism. 'Maybe because of that, the Madhesi parties in Madhesh became weak and the old parties like UML and Congress got stronger. It would be appropriate to try to change the disappointment of the people into hope, Mr. Chairman. Otherwise, as our party is becoming lifeless, everyone will gradually leave it'' said in the letter of General Secretary Jha, 'After the death of their own parents, the children take them out of the house and burn them or bury them, what will happen when the party reaches such a situation . Don't let the flame of revolution go out for the opportunism of limited people, Mr. President.'

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १३, २०८० ०९:२६
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