Plan of trauma center to construct rehabilitation center at Godavari in Lalitpur


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The National Trauma Center has prepared to start a rehabilitation center for patients who need rehabilitation for daily living due to accidents and brain injuries, including various types of orthopedic and vascular diseases. The center has also said that the necessary process for the construction of the rehabilitation center has been advanced.

Plan of trauma center to construct rehabilitation center at Godavari in Lalitpur

Chief medical superintendent of trauma and orthopedic specialist Dr. According to Badri Rizal, the process of acquiring land in Lalitpur's Godavari municipality for the construction of the rehabilitation center has been advanced. According to him, the Godavari Municipality has already decided to give 100 ropani land for the construction of rehabilitation center by the executive meeting.

According to Gajendra Maharjan, mayor of Godavari municipality, the executive meeting of the municipality held on December 8, said that the rehabilitation center to be built and operated by the trauma center is necessary for the He informed that he decided to provide 100 plants of land . According to him, it has been decided to provide land for the rehabilitation center in the closed old stone quarry area within Jhyalungtar Community Forest and Faidol Community Forest which are on the border of wards No. 6 and 10 of the municipality.

'We have decided to give land to the trauma center and have sent it . Now, after the necessary process from Malpot through the district administration office, after the Council of Ministers has decided, the trauma center will get the land to operate the rehabilitation center,' he said, 'We have decided to give the land because if a rehabilitation center is built here, it will benefit everyone.'

dr. According to Rizal, the necessary process for land acquisition has been advanced through the Ministry of Health. Almost 70 percent of those seriously injured in accidents require physiotherapy as well as other special types of therapy. In addition to this, rehabilitation is also necessary for people with problems such as stroke. That is why we have planned to make a rehabilitation center at the government level," he said. "Until now, there is no central level rehab center at the government level. So we have been pushing for it for some time.'

dr. According to Rizal, among those who come to the hospital for treatment annually, 500 people need physiotherapy and rehabilitation. "Because there is no government-level rehabilitation center, there is a compulsion to send them to the centers of non-governmental and private organizations," he said. Which is expensive for patients who come to us for treatment. Trauma brought the rehabilitation center into operation so that patients can get services easily.'

According to him, after the establishment of the rehabilitation center, there is also a plan to study physiotherapy. In addition to this, arrangements will be made to provide world-class physiotherapy in the said rehabilitation center easily and conveniently.

dr. Rizal said that free snacks and food have also been arranged to make the patients who come for treatment at the trauma center comfortable. According to him, a dialysis machine has also been put into operation for emergency dialysis of patients with serious injuries.

'Recently, we have been expanding our services to make the patients comfortable . We have also arranged a separate resuscitation class in the emergency room . There will be a 24-hour MDGP as well as an anesthesiologist," he said, adding, "Also, the hospital is also in the process of upgrading the five operational theaters to modular OT . The work of three has been completed . The remaining two will also be upgraded soon.'

He also said that in addition to the expansion of ICU services, the HDU room has also been put into operation. According to him, there are 3 ventilator facilities in the 8-bed HDU that has been put into operation.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २, २०८० १३:३५
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