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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Melamchi's water stoppage time has been pushed back to Tatkal

Water will continue to flow until the monsoon is active, water will be brought from Dhap Dam on Shivpuri hill
विमल खतिवडा

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Officials of Melamchi Water Development Committee, who said that they will stop bringing water from Melamchi to Kathmandu only a few days ago, have mentioned that it will not be stopped immediately. They say that they will not stop sending Melamchi water to Kathmandu until the monsoon is active.

Melamchi's water stoppage time has been pushed back to Tatkal

Although the Ministry of Water Supply has decided to close it from Thursday, the committee said that as the water problem is increasing in the valley, it will be sent as long as it is convenient. The committee was preparing to shut off the water from the first week of June. Now the monsoon has been active in the area No

. Ratnaprasad Lamichhane, executive director of the committee, said that the plan is not to turn off the water until the water starts flowing in the river.

'That's why we don't want to stop the water on this day, our technical team is in the field,' he said, 'I am also in the field, we will sit and watch the water situation for a few days, we will send water to Kathmandu until there is no rain and cloudy water.' The demand for water in the valley is increasing. Roots are drying up due to drought. "Therefore, our plan is to send water until it rains continuously," said Lamichhane, "now 19 to 200 million liters of water have been sent." He said that about 30 million liters of water was sent to the old distribution system of Mahakanal. "We process and distribute water from Mahankal," he said.

078 After the flood of June damaged the Melamchi estuary area, continuous water distribution has not been possible in Kathmandu Valley. The water, which was closed last June, was distributed to the valley after 6 months, i.e. from January 1. Melamchi water has been distributed in Kathmandu only during the dry season for three years. Therefore, executive director Lamichhane said that they are not thinking of shutting off the water all the time. A watcher is kept on payment of salary to give information about whether or not there is a flood in the Nakote area a little above the estuary. He said that based on the flood information given by him, the water sent to the tunnel from the spring in the lower area will be stopped. Lamichhane said that he is thinking of sending water if there is no problem on a sunny day between

. Every year due to floods, it is a problem to clear the road and reach the spring. There is a problem in taking the excavator to work immediately. In view of that, he said that the excavator was taken and kept.

Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Limited (KUKL) has 256,000 taps in three districts of the valley. Melamchi water will be provided in the same stream. At present, there is a daily demand of 43 to 47 million liters of water in the valley. But the distribution is only around 230 million liters. After the water supply of Melamchi is stopped, the water problem in the valley will increase. KUKL information officer Prakash Kumar Rai said that water is being distributed day by day.

'We do not know when Melamchi's water will be shut off, the demand for water is high,' he said . "We will change the distribution schedule after the Melamchi water is stopped," he said. "The problem is not too long, when it starts raining, surface resources also increase," he said.

Similarly, design work will be done to move the 'intake' (headworks area) made for water diversion in Melamchi's spring to a safe place. Preparations for the selection of international consultants have been started to design for that.

There are plans to move the water from its current location to the Sarkthali area at a distance of 800 meters so that water can be brought to Kathmandu for twelve months. In the second and third phase, an additional 17/17 million liters of water will be brought from the Yangri and Larke rivers. According to this, 51 million liters of water will be brought to Kathmandu in three phases, but this plan has not been implemented yet.

The committee said that within two years, a contract will be signed to bring water from Yangri and Larke rivers to Kathmandu. 1,700 km of new pipeline has been extended in Kathmandu valley for Melamchi drinking water. According to Melamchi sub-project-2, out of 760 km, 700 km of pipes have been laid in Swayambhu, Tahachal, Baluwatar, Vishalnagar, Panipokhari, Mandikhatar and Chabahil areas.

प्रकाशित : असार १, २०८१ ०७:२४
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