कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Ippan's request to not cut off the benefits received while giving the license

Objection to the continuation of the changes made in the current economy by cutting the facilities provided by the Electricity Act 049

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The Association of Independent Power Producers, Nepal (IPPAN) has stated that while granting a permit for a hydropower project, the permanent service and condition should be maintained for the duration of the permit. In a press conference held to publicize the official opinion on the budget for the next financial year 081/82, Ipan said that he will not accept it under any circumstances, saying that the changes made in the current economy by cutting the facilities provided by the Electricity Act 049 have been continued.

Ippan's request to not cut off the benefits received while giving the license

Ganesh Karki, president of IPPAN, complained in the conference that the government did not even listen to the demand to import goods at 1% customs duty as a relief, even if only for the flood-affected projects, which IPPAN has been raising on every platform for a year. According to Karki, the project which has been importing goods at 1 percent customs duty has been increased to 28 percent at once, and the project is being closed because the hydropower project damaged by the flood and landslide could not bring spare parts. According to the Electricity Act 049, the projects that have received the project permit should have only 1 percent customs duty on the spare parts accordingly. He said.

The flood-affected hydropower project did not ask for any additional facilities from the government, said Mohan Kumar Dangi, senior vice president of EPAN. He said that according to the Electricity Act 049, if a license is given for a certain year and all the facilities are cut when the project is put into operation, the investors will withdraw from investing in Nepal's energy sector. He said that they demanded the right to enjoy the facilities given in the permit without asking for any sympathy from the government.

IPPAN General Secretary Balram Khatiwada said that it is very sad that compensation and relief, which the Prime Minister said he would give when inspecting projects that have suffered physical and human damage due to floods, are not included in the budget. The role of the private sector in achieving the goal of long-term sale of 10,000 megawatts of electricity between Nepal and India within 10 years, 28,500 megawatts by the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation within the next 2035 and 8,500 megawatts within the next five years in the five-year plan of the National Planning Commission. He also says that the budget ignores the contribution and importance.

The former president of IPPA Krishna Prasad Acharya said that no mention was made in the budget because the private sector has been making a strong demand for electricity business. Acharya says that even though the government is aware of the procedural complications in the construction of energy projects, it is turning a blind eye to simplifying it. He said that the most affected bodies in the construction of hydropower projects are the bodies under the Ministry of Forestry and since all the rivers with water are placed in conservation areas, it will be difficult to produce 28,500 megawatts.

प्रकाशित : असार १, २०८१ ०७:०७
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