कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Reduced the power of the Ministry of Energy

In the 60th report of the General Account, there was 1 billion 2972 ​​million rupees, but in the 61st report, only 1 billion 1 billion rupees were found.

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The deficit of the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation is Rs 1.1 billion 66 lakh 75 thousand rupees. It is mentioned in the 61st report of the Auditor General that 80 million 94 million 74 thousand rupees have been deducted after providing a report about 1 billion 10 million 61 million 49 thousand rupees in 80 agencies including the Ministry of Energy and its subordinates.

Reduced the power of the Ministry of Energy

It is mentioned in the report that out of the total amount of 1 billion 1 billion 166 lakh 75 thousand rupees, 1 crore 84 lakh 8 thousand rupees are overdue.

Compared to the previous financial year, the amount of the last financial year has decreased . The previous year's amount was 1 billion 29 crore 72 lakh rupees. Similarly, it is mentioned in the sixtieth report of the General Account that the overdue balance of the previous year is 9 billion 1 crore rupees.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १३, २०८१ १९:१७
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