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२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Installation of embossed number plates only on 66 thousand vehicles in eight years


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In eight years, only 66,715 vehicles have been fitted with embossed number plates. 580 thousand 886 embossed number plates have been produced. Its connection has not been effective.

Installation of embossed number plates only on 66 thousand vehicles in eight years

Decatur-Tiger IT Company of Bangladesh and America took the contract in joint venture on 073 June 19 for connecting the embossed number. According to the

agreement, embossed numbers should be installed on 2.5 million vehicles within 5 years. Although the contractor company extended the deadline several times, the connection work has not been completed . After the deadline expired in June 078, the deadline was extended till 12th November 080. After the work was not completed in that period too, two more years were extended.

The initial contract amount is 4 billion 1679 million 50 thousand rupees (excluding value added tax), but the amount has been increased by 22.50 percent with the extension of the deadline. Now arrangements have been made to install embossed numbers on vehicles from 6 places in the country.

Out of 115,786 embossed number plates produced till February of the current financial year, 9,991 vehicles have been installed. Similarly, since the electric vehicle driver's license system has been implemented in 36 transport system and transport service offices till June 080, now 39 offices have been added and this service has been provided.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १३, २०८१ १६:४८
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