कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १६७

Modifications in the system, blueprint for transformation in the situation


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General Minister of Nepali Congress Bishwa Prakash Sharma has said that 'the political change of yesterday should now be a change in politics'. In the 'Contemporary Political Proposal' document presented by General Minister Sharma in the General Committee meeting held at Godavari in Lalitpur, which was held as a policy convention, he pointed out that there should be a change in politics to transform the current situation.

Modifications in the system, blueprint for transformation in the situation

Some people have tried to make the dissatisfaction seen in some contexts in the civil ranks as a ladder to the government, while some have taken the illusion that it can be used to return the old power . The Nepali Congress will take the path of reforming the system and changing the situation.

a) Change in politics to transform the situation

There was a time when political change was necessary in the country, now the situation has changed . Yesterday's political change, now change in politics should become our duty .

b) Method of exiting people

The Nepali Congress has started and implemented the provision that the chairman of the central or district committee of the party can only hold the responsibility twice. It is necessary to adopt another form of this in the governance system of the country.

  • The Nepali Congress proposes a system to bind the tenure of the President, Prime Minister, Minister and MP by the principle of 1/2/3/4 . The oath of office of the President is taken only once, the Prime Minister twice at most, the Minister three times and the MP at most four times. The Congress will itself follow this pattern and propose a constitutional settlement .

c) The

  • system in the province is similar to that of the Union. In the case of the province, the Chief Minister cannot be more than twice, the minister three times and the member of the Provincial Assembly four times will be adopted.

d) 'Pilot project' for 'primary'

  • When political parties select union, state and local level candidates, the 'primary' method of selection with the participation of active members, party members or well-wishers of the same geography can be an important democratic method . Nepali Congress decides to adopt it gradually through 'pilot project'.

e) Widening the door to entry of experts

  • Subject matter experts and skilled individuals will be widened the door to entry into politics and participation in governance. Congress will also initiate discussions with other parties for constitutional arrangements regarding the use of such expertise while forming the Council of Ministers.

f) Solving the problem of the same family in the parliament

  • The matter of becoming a candidate of the party as the members of the same household are in the same level of parliament has been criticized on the party and citizen lines . The argument that the individual's independent rights cannot be suppressed by connecting them with other family members is important in its place, but on the other hand, there is another side of criticism and negative messages that the special party has to face. Therefore, the Congress will implement the option of not raising criticism.

) Virtue along with efficiency in political appointments

  • Political appointment will be followed by the study, experience and competence of the related subject, and the method of testing integrity and ethics.

h) Transformation through e-governance for active government

  • The world is undergoing the most widespread use of technology. Many countries have reached the practice of providing fast services to citizens through technology. We are moving slowly in that direction . Citizens are suffering from delays, hassles and having to stand in long queues at administrative offices. Nepali Congress will take a special initiative to move towards a situation where citizens can get administrative services easily by making maximum use of technology. In today's era, rather than citizens approaching the government to receive services, active government is the process of the government going to the citizens to provide services.

J) Initiative to do physical construction in three shifts

  • Many countries of the world that have reached the height of prosperity - construction works like bridges and roads are being done even at night. But in our country, which is struggling with poverty, the situation of ``Sunset Nepal Mast'' is visible. This is also one of the reasons why many road infrastructure works have been delayed for years. Therefore, the Nepali Congress will take the necessary initiative by urging the government to arrange the necessary arrangements to carry out the physical construction work in three shifts.
  • Three shifts of 8/8/8 hours can make a meaningful contribution to increase the size of the capital budget expenditure and to transform the construction completed in 3 years to be completed in 1 year.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ८, २०८० १६:१८
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