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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Education Minister Shrestha's commitment to improve CD education


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Education Minister Sumana Shrestha has pledged to improve early childhood education and early childhood development (ECD) education.

Education Minister Shrestha's commitment to improve CD education

After the written commitment of the education minister, Netra Chapagain, president of Samajwadi Vidyarthi Union, who has been standing in Maitighar Mandla since 11, has suspended the program of pressure and protest from Sunday.

Chapagain ECD had been standing in the 8-hours-a-day maitighar since June 2, demanding reform of education. Education Minister Shrestha has announced that she will give priority to addressing the demands raised by Chapagai.

He is committed to take initiatives to increase the amount of lunch that children receive. We agree that Rs. 15 per day for students is not enough. However, due to the economic situation of Nepal, it was found that it would not be possible to add more than three times the additional expenditure at one time in a situation where an agreement has to be made to fulfill even the mandatory obligations. Therefore, in Karnali Province, which is suffering from malnutrition, we have started an initiative for at least 20-25 targeted midday meals per student," she wrote on social media.

He said that the ministry has proposed a plan in the policy and program and budget to provide fresh, nutritious and quality lunch at a low cost by implementing programs such as Megha kitchen and using local grains for lunch. It is said that the program will be implemented as a pilot project in some places from the next financial year.

Education Minister Shrestha has said that ECD teachers will be brought under the social security system based on contribution. Chapagain demanded that the salary of the ECD teachers who are working on the minimum wage should be increased.

An inter-governmental initiative will be taken to ensure the minimum salary of ECD teachers. This will cover not only all temporary, contract teachers, but also our ECD teachers. In addition, in the coming budget statement and budget, we have also proposed a new program for intensive training focused on ECD teachers," she wrote.

He says that the ministry is studying to bring uniformity in ECD education. The program of pre-primary education has been running for 3 years in private schools and one year in government schools. Chapagai pointed out that there should be uniformity in it. She announced that based on the suggestions from the

study, arrangements will be made to make the ECD the same year both institutionally and publicly. Education Minister Shrestha has also thanked the activist Chapagai for bringing the ECD to the forefront of the debate on education reforms.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १३, २०८१ २०:२३
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