कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
१९.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २६९

Regional art exhibition begins in the capital, inaugurated by Tourism Minister Tamang


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"Wagmati Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition-2080" has started in Kathmandu from today. Inaugurating the exhibition, Minister of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Hit Bahadur Tamang said that through this program, he got an opportunity to get to know the art of Bagmati Province. This is the last program of the provincial level exhibition. Earlier, regional exhibitions have been completed in six provinces.

Regional art exhibition begins in the capital, inaugurated by Tourism Minister Tamang

He said that Vagmati province is geographically diverse along with art and culture and held the view that such exhibitions play an important role in its preservation and promotion. Minister Tamang asserted that inspiration from old artists, creativity from new ones and a combination of both would help to contribute to the country's economy. He also said that he would take the initiative for the establishment of a state institute of fine arts. In the

program, Chancellor of Nepal Fine Arts Pragya Foundation Naradamani Hartmchali said that fine arts have a great role in the development and promotion of arts. He said that priority should be given to arts that are in the shadows, and he was of the opinion that the province and municipality are working in collaboration with the establishment and this has given positive results. Lalkaji Lama, Vice-Chancellor of

Foundation and Coordinator of Bagmati Province Art Exhibition Coordinating Committee, stated that the participation of the young generation in the exhibition was encouraging and expressed the opinion that it will chart a new path in the field of fine arts. The

exhibition features 241 artworks of 210 artists in various genres including contemporary painting/sculpture, traditional painting/sculpture, folk art, handicrafts, architecture and other creative (multifaceted) arts. The exhibition will run till the 16th of Chait.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १२, २०८० २१:५७
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