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Second Rukum Cup starts in Musikot

महेश केसी

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The second Rukum Cup-2081 has started from Friday at district headquarters Khalanga. The open district level men's volleyball tournament was inaugurated by Mahendra KC, the head of Musikot municipality. 9 groups from all over the country will participate in the competition.

Second Rukum Cup starts in Musikot

The organizing organization said that the winner will get 5 lakh 5 thousand 555, the runner-up will get 2 lakh 55 thousand 555, the third place will get 1 lakh 55 thousand 555 and the consolation prize will be 1 lakh 5 thousand 555 rupees, as well as trophies and certificates.

The competition organized by Rukum Paschim Volleyball Training Center will be conducted till the 20th of Baisakh. Sports coordinator Tejvikram Budha said that this is the biggest competition in the district so far. According to coordinator Budha, among the players participating in the

competition, 10,000 will be given to the best player and 5/5000 to West Spiker, West Setter, West Blogger, West Defender, West Server, Emerging Player and West Coach.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १४, २०८१ १७:०१
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