Resolution of the five ruling parties: All services through Citizen App


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The power coalition has also mentioned in the common resolution that the citizen app will be strengthened to provide all kinds of public services. In the 'minimum policy priority and common resolution' of the ruling five political parties that was released on Tuesday, it is promised to provide services through the citizen app to eliminate the hassle of submitting documents including citizenship to government offices.

Resolution of the five ruling parties: All services through Citizen App

Currently more than 30 services and facilities are available in Citizen App . The government released the citizen app in January 2077 to provide government services to citizens. It is mentioned on the website that 8 lakh users are using the citizen app so far.

Similarly, it is said that the national identity card will also be introduced. It is also mentioned that the 'time card' system will be implemented to provide government services at the specified time . A commitment has been expressed to develop a sustainable system that reinforces the belief that 'everyone in the line gets their turn' under the title of 'Good governance with quick service delivery'.

In addition, the issue of preparing the latest infrastructure of information technology, including the Internet, is also included in the minimum common program . "Implementing the Digital Nepal Framework with necessary modifications," said the program, "increasing the use of digital technology in the public service and production sectors." Maintaining self-reliance in data servers and ensuring cyber security.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ६, २०८० १९:३०
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