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१६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २४०

The leader of Civil Liberties Parliamentary Party says: The decision is not valid

अर्जुन शाह

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After the Central Committee meeting of Civil Liberation Party announced the decision to withdraw support from the current Congress-led government in Far West, Ghanshyam Chaudhary, the leader of the parliamentary party of the party in the provincial assembly, responded that the decision was not valid. Resham Chaudhary is currently out of the country.

The leader of Civil Liberties Parliamentary Party says: The decision is not valid

"The decision of the meeting in the absence of Resham Chaudhary cannot be accepted," said Chaudhary, the leader of the parliamentary party. One member of parliament, Lakshman Kashore Chaudhary, has written a note of dissent. Chaudhary, the leader of the

party, is the Minister of Economic Affairs of the state government. Out of the total seven MPs for civil liberties, there are five ministers in the current Congress-led government. He said that the support from the current government will not be withdrawn. It is understood that 12 people including Lakshman Kishore Chaudhary, who is said to have written the note of dissent, were present at the bus meeting chaired by party president Ranjita Shrestha. The Central Committee has 21 members.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १४, २०८० १८:०५
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