कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Karnali budget 31 billion 41 crores [full text]

तृप्ति शाही

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The Karnali state government has released a budget of 31 billion 41 crore 41 thousand rupees for the next financial year 2081/082. Out of which 18 billion 750 million 868 thousand i.e. 59.7 percent have been allocated for capital, while 7 billion 57 million 55 lakh 92 thousand i.e. 24.12 percent have been allocated for current.

Karnali budget 31 billion 41 crores [full text]

250 million 8 percent has been allocated towards financial management and 4 billion 83 million 35 lakh 81 thousand i.e. 15 ten thousand 38 percent has been allocated towards financial transfer at the local level.

Economic Affairs and Planning Minister Mahendra KC presented the budget at the tenth meeting of the fourth session of the second term of the Provincial Assembly. The government believes that 16,000 citizens of Karnali will get temporary employment through this program.

Karnali state government is going to improve and develop the physical infrastructure of 370 schools in the next financial year 2081/082. For this, the government has allocated 1 billion 10 million. Similarly, 10 crores have been allocated for the Chief Minister's Digital Education Program.

Province Hospital Surkhet has been allocated 500 million for infrastructure development and manpower management.

Similarly, 300 crores have been allocated for the construction of a unified administrative building for the ministries of the Karnali state government . 500 million has been allocated for the infrastructure development of earthquake-affected areas. Presenting the budget in the Parliament, Economic Affairs and Planning Minister KC said that the budget has been allocated for the reconstruction of the infrastructure of the earthquake-affected districts.

Similarly, 140 crores have been allocated to implement the master plan for the conservation and development of Rara Lake in Mugu, Kankrevihar in Surkhet, Bulbule Udyan, Chauhan Park and Syapu Lake in Rukum West. An amount of 799.5 million has been allocated to provide sustainable and reliable irrigation facilities to an additional 1,200 hectares of arable land through the implementation of small and medium irrigation projects.

Karnali state government had allocated 33 billion 37 million 97 lakh 7 thousand for the last fiscal year 2080/081.

Full text of budget :

प्रकाशित : असार १, २०८१ १७:१०
जनताको राय

हमाससँग युद्ध गरिरहेको इजरायलमा ८ सय नेपाली कामदार (केयर गिभर) पठाउने सरकारको तयारीबारे तपाईंको राय के छ ?
