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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

Public Health Service and Health Rehabilitation Strategic Action Plan

तृप्ति शाही

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A strategic action plan for health services and health rehabilitation has been prepared in Karnali. The province's seven-year health service strategic action plan and seven-year health rehabilitation strategic action plan have been prepared. Both action plans were released on Tuesday.

Public Health Service and Health Rehabilitation Strategic Action Plan

Due to the lack of sufficient skilled manpower, infrastructure, medicine and equipment in the health sector of Karnali province, there are problems such as lack of easy access to health services, low awareness of service users, geographical difficulties, and high investment.

Similarly, due to the increase in road accidents and disability due to geographical conditions in Karnali, a health restoration strategic action plan has been prepared for awareness and treatment and rehabilitation. Yes .

Health Division Head of the Ministry of Social Development, Vrish Bahadur Shahi, said that various activities have been decided through state-specific strategies to achieve the goals adopted by the health policy in the strategic action plan. He said that it will achieve the achievements of the indicators set by the sustainable development goals by making maximum use of the available resources and opportunities.

The health condition of Karnali is gradually improving after federalization, most of the district hospitals in the province are under construction, hospitals are also being built rapidly in local municipalities, the attractiveness of health workers has increased due to the availability of Karnali special incentive allowance, health tools and equipment are available for epidemic prevention, control, and diagnosis. Shahi, the head of the division, said that a provincial health supply and management center has been established for easy distribution of medicines and equipment, and the health insurance program has been implemented in all districts of the province.

In spite of this, the outbreak of communicable diseases as well as non-communicable diseases has increased, due to the geographical situation in Karnali, natural disasters, road accidents, injuries caused by falling from trees and trees have not been rehabilitated, not even 10 percent of the budget has been allocated to the health sector, excessive pesticides in food are affecting human health more. Challenges such as the impact have also been pointed out . In the

program, Yogendra Bahadur Shahi, Vice Chairman of Provincial Planning Commission, said that since the health strategic action plan has been prepared, it will be easier to work after prioritization. He also claimed that there will be further improvements in the health sector of Karnali if they work according to the prepared action plan.

provincial health service director Dr. Ravin Khadka said that plans that can benefit from limited resources are included in the action plan. He mentioned that due to the difficult geography of Karnali, the rate of disability is also increasing, so it is very necessary to work in the field of disability and rehabilitation.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २०, २०८० १९:३४
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