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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १०२

A person was arrested for embezzling money of savers from the bank

महेश केसी

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An employee of Prabhu Bank, who was absconding after embezzling money from Athaviscot Municipality-11 Radi Bazar, has been arrested. Police arrested 31-year-old Niraj Bikram Shah of the same place on the charge of misappropriation of the first installment for the earthquake victims of the municipality while he was in charge of operations at the Radi branch.

A person was arrested for embezzling money of savers from the bank

During the time he was working in the bank, the total amount of 3 checks of Rs. and was absconding after abuse.

Shah, who has been absconding since then, was arrested by the police and made public on Friday. District Police Chief DSP Namraj Bhattarai said that Shah was arrested on the basis of a report given to the police by Sharadraj Timilsina, head of Prabhu Bank Limited, Karnali Province, on February 9.

DSP Bhattarai informed that Shah was arrested from Nepalgunj sub-metropolitan city-15 Jamunah on Thursday in coordination with Banke police after the arrest warrant was issued by the High Court Surkhet on February 12.

"Shah has been arrested because he was found to be violating the Banking Offenses and Punishment Act by acting against the law from the bank account." He said, "Apart from the amount mentioned in the statement, we are also investigating the possibility that the money for the savings of various people may have been embezzled." In addition, the other parties connected with this incident will be revealed after the investigation.'

The money to be given to the first installment by the Athaviskot municipality to the earthquake victims was embezzled in this way, the bank has already returned the amount to the municipality, said Sharadraj Timilsina, manager of Prabhu Bank Radi branch. According to Timilsina, after it was confirmed that the accused had embezzled the amount, the bank returned the amount after filing a complaint with the district police.

'Furthermore, there are complaints of irregularity by not depositing the amount for savings of different people in the account. An investigation is being carried out,' he said, 'The bank is aware that it will not allow the money of savers to be misused due to the mistake of one person.' A new team is serving.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ९, २०८० १५:११
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