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१९.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २३७

Lyme children deprived of vaccination since 5 months

तृप्ति शाही

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A national campaign to vaccinate children against measles-rubella is being conducted across the country. Vaccination program for children from 9 months to 15 years is going on. The vaccination campaign which started on February 25th will also be conducted in Humla, a remote district of Karnali Province, till Chaitra 7th.

Lyme children deprived of vaccination since 5 months

But the children of Limi village in the northern Namkha Rural Municipality of Humla have been deprived of vaccination against measles and rubella. According to Health Service Office Humla, 54 children of Til, Jang and Halji villages of Namkha Rural Municipality-6 Limmy were deprived of vaccination. Due to the snow, traffic has been blocked in Limi village. There is no way to go even by walking. 'Nara and Myalu Lake, which are above 5,500 meters, are not accessible due to snow,' said Prem Singh, head of the Health Service Office Humla, 'because the vaccine could not be delivered to the vaccination center, the children there were deprived of vaccination.'

limi He said that even though health workers are working regularly at health posts, children are deprived because vaccines cannot be transported. According to him, there is no situation where the health workers working at Limi health post can move around. They have been sitting there since November with the materials they need and need in the health institution. Singh says that this is a problem because the vaccine cannot be kept too cold or too hot, so it cannot be transported as soon as it is received. He said that even if other medicines are taken in advance in the health institution, the vaccine cannot be kept like this.

He said that not only the measles-rubella vaccine is now available, but since December, children there have also been deprived of regular vaccinations. He said that even though vaccinations were delivered to the Limi health post until November, the children did not receive regular vaccinations as they could not be delivered since then. Singh says that even though they talked to the helicopter that was transporting rice to Humla today, due to lack of budget, they could not even take it to the helicopter. He said, "There is no option but a helicopter to deliver the vaccine there." We have also written to Directorate of Health Services, Surkhet, for the transportation of vaccine by helicopter to Limi. Let's see if anything will happen.

Even though the vaccination campaign has continued in all other places in Karnali, a letter has been received that there is a problem in transporting it to Limmy, said Navraj Kandel, Information Officer of Health Services Directorate, Surkhet. He says that even though they tried to transport the vaccine, they were not successful. He said that even though he talked about getting help from other governmental and non-governmental organizations, it was not possible from anywhere. He said, 'We are also confused about what to do next. We are looking for an alternative. We have seen a situation where the vaccine can be transported only after the snowfall subsides.'

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ६, २०८० १६:०२
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