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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२४

Citizenship recommendation in Gandakot through online

नवीन पौडेल

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Gaindakot municipality of East Nawalparasi has started giving recommendations through online to get citizenship certificate. After taking the necessary documents to the ward office, the recommendation will be made online.

Citizenship recommendation in Gandakot through online

Among the 753 municipalities, it is claimed that the online system has been started for the first time from Gaindakot.

Madan Bhakta Adhikari, City Chief of Gaindakot Municipality started by recommending Prakriti Sapkota of Gaindakot 7 online through Centralized Citizenship Information Management System (CCIMS). Kalpana Shrestha, Chief District Officer of Nawalparasi, District Administration Office, expressed her belief that after the online system is started, there will be ease in documentation, smooth and technology-friendly service flow, and the act of taking citizenship by filling in false and fraudulent information will be stopped.

Currently, this service is being operated only for the recommendation of new citizenship, but in the future, there are plans to start an online service for the creation of national identity cards and other identity cards as well.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० १८:३४
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