कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Road construction by collecting donations


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The local residents of Kailash Rural Municipality-4 have presented an example that even if there is no budget from any agency for the project, a motor road can be built if the villagers are eager to do so. With the investment and participation of the public, the construction of a 5 km road from Raksirang Rural Municipality-3 Lavati to Kailash Rural Municipality-4 Champakhani has been completed.

Road construction by collecting donations

They collected money personally and broke the busy guard for 2.5 He has constructed 5 km of motorway with 1 km of new tracks. Local leader Bishnulal Chepang said that after the construction of the motorway, Bolero vehicles, tractors and motorcycles can go in the village.

They said that despite repeated requests to the local government, state and federal government for the construction of the motorway, there was no budget allocation and the villagers collected funds and completed the rough form of the road.

5 lakh 72 thousand 700 from local Deurali group Rupees and public donation 2 lakh 61 thousand 600 including a total of 11 lakh thousand 6 hundred 7 The construction of the road at a cost of one hundred rupees was completed and inaugurated. Ramsingh Thing, president of Deurali community organization said.

"Since no one understood our pain, we built the road with the small amount of money in the organization and the money collected personally", President Thing said.

The outgoing chairman of Kailash Rural Municipality Tank Bahadur Muktan, outgoing chairman of Raksirang Rural Municipality 3 Babulal Syangtan, Kailash Rural Municipality 4 ward member Nemraj Praja, general secretary of Samajwadi Press Organization Ramkumar Alan and others participated in the opening program.

The road built through Bhirpahara has been connected by the local residents to the access to the highway at Manhari through Sarikhet. For the construction of the road, 500 liters of diesel was provided by Kailash village, 14-hour breaker machine from Laliguran Cement Industry and 13-hour machine from Raksirang village.

44 people donated from 1 thousand to 26 thousand rupees to build the motorway.

प्रकाशित : असार १, २०८१ १७:२६
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