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१७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २४५

2 teachers arrested for making SEE unlimited in Bara

लक्ष्मी साह

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Two teachers have been arrested in Bara for making the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) unlimited.

They were arrested by the police from two examination centers on the first day of SEE English subject, which was conducted from Thursday. Vinod Prasad Yadav, who is working as a mock examination inspector at Janata Mavi Budhgai, Devtal Rural Municipality 3, Bhatinia, and Baragadhi Rural Municipality 1, has been arrested on the charge of helping Surendra Prasad Yadav, a teacher working in Amar Mavi Dohri, 2, Kalaiya sub-metropolitan city, Dohri, Devtal Rural Municipality 6, and assisting teacher Surendra Prasad Yadav to steal tickets through his mobile phone.

Deputy Superintendent of Police Dadhiram Neupane said that one person was arrested from Budhgai M.A.V. examination center and Amar M.A.V. According to him, Duwe has been detained and investigated as per the legal provisions for the crime of assisting in making the examination unlimited.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० २०:५७
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