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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Congress will be absent from Sunday's Koshi state assembly meeting

पर्वत पोर्तेल

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Opposition Nepali Congress in Koshi province will be absent from Sunday's state assembly meeting. The Congress Parliamentary Party demanded the Speaker Amber Bahadur Bista to postpone the state assembly meeting. However, Gopal Tamang, chief whip of parliamentary party Koshi, said that the opposition Nepali Congress will not participate since the meeting will not be postponed.

Congress will be absent from Sunday's Koshi state assembly meeting

The Barkhe session of the Koshi State Assembly started on Baisakh 31. At that time too, Chief Minister Hikmat Karki took the vote of confidence without the presence of the Congress. Congress was absent in the second meeting as well. It seems to be affected.

'The issue of dispute over the formation of Koshi Province It is under consideration in the Supreme Court, Chief Whip Tamang stated, It is not right to proceed with the state assembly meeting until the case is settled by the court.'

On May 27, the provincial head Parashuram Khapung, under the leadership of Hikmat Karki, according to Article 168 (5) of the Constitution. Koshi formed the government. The conclusion of the Congress is that Khapung has not completed the legal process for the formation of the government and the court process has not yet been completed.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १३, २०८१ १३:२९
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