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२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२४

Operation of Agricultural Price Information System in Koshi


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With the aim of providing farmers with information about the price of agricultural produce, the Koshi state government has launched an agricultural information system. Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Ram Kumar Khatri announced the launch of the Agricultural Price Information System on Wednesday.

The ministry claims that the price information system will be effective in providing easy information to producers, businessmen, and consumers about the agricultural produce produced in Koshi province.

The information system can help to remove the compulsion of farmers to sell goods cheaply if they do not get information about the market price of the produced produce. According to Pashupati Pokharel, senior agricultural development officer of the ministry, this system will also provide an opportunity for farmers and traders to choose the market as the prices of commodities are different in different markets.

This system includes the wholesale and retail prices of the three major agricultural markets of Koshi province, Birtamod, Dharan and Inaruwa. Biratnagar's agricultural market is not included in the price information system. Official Pokharel said that Biratnagar Agricultural Wholesale and Retail Market Management Committee could not include it in the agricultural price system because they had not developed the procedure to collect the prices of the goods officially.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० ०६:४८
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