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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १०२

Commentary and Confusion of Patriarchy

Due to the fact that the power structure is patriarchal, women are the most affected by it. However, even men are not free from suffering and oppression. The difference is that the dimensions of oppression are different and their intensity is different. So patriarchy is a toxic trend for both men and women.

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For centuries patriarchy has been intensively debated through books, ideas or movements. It is ironic that in Nepal, patriarchy is not only a concern of one gender, but it is a toxic system of thought that can grow and live within anyone. Also, in Nepal, there is not a significant presence of Furash who are standing together in the judicial fight against patriarchy in the matter of women's liberation.

Commentary and Confusion of Patriarchy

Even today, there is such a large group of people who are oblivious to the activities of big movements, debates and collective fights, and with the thought that to call patriarchy is to oppose men, that is, to oppose patriarchy is to oppose men. In doing this, the woman herself has a very big role to play. Those who occasionally stand up as a shield in front of their husbands, lovers, friends, fathers or son nephews in a man-friendly cover to stop the attacks against patriarchy.

Some of those who argue that men are against men when it comes to slavery maintained by patriarchal society in women's mathingal, are really ignorant of the true meaning of patriarchy. However, some of those who are filled with malevolent pride and misogyny are getting excited because women are fighting their own battles. Be it social media or any media, when the voice of the victim or the victim's side starts to be voiced in the matter of gender justice, then the comment that 'men are attacked' becomes very active as a reaction. In doing this, not only ordinary social media users, but also high-ranking people from government agencies, from writers, writers, culturalists, and so-called intellectuals are involved. Today's social media is further supporting the practice of making women as obstacles in the path of liberation and creating new commentary for their own protection.

When it comes to the dimensions of exploitation in patriarchy, mothers seem to be surrounded at the most intense center. Those who have been oppressed by patriarchy for ages. As the world-famous writer Balzac said about married women, mothers are also involved in the role of household servants as the mistress of the hearth as well as the husband's sex slave, children and servants of the household. After birth, it is the mother who gives the freedom to the son so that he can become a 'man' who fits into the patriarchal structure in the future and creates a narrow scope for the daughter so that she becomes well-endowed and cultured with feminine qualities in the future. Simone de Beauvoir says, "Women are not born, they are made." In fact, it is the mother who first puts a daughter on the test to make her a "woman" as society wants.

When it is revealed that there has been violence against a daughter, instead of expressing anger towards the violent, the women themselves start teaching the lesson of sanskar and dignity by accusing the daughter of crossing the Lakshmana line, just like Sita was kidnapped after crossing the Lakshmana line in the forest. Just like the plan, tricks and intentions of the abductor of Sita are not questioned, the motive of the perpetrator is not questioned here, instead the daughter is forced to jump into a very big fire pit of unbearable aggression. Who has been oppressed for centuries, why does he want to stand up as a defender of the system of self-oppression? This applies to everyone today who accepts slavery and advocates as a defender of slavery. It also has distinct social, psychological and sociological implications. One is the ingenuity of power. How is the power forcing women to become slaves voluntarily? How has he exploited himself and raised himself as a defender of the patriarchy? It is imperative to brutally debate such strategies of power along with the involuntary servitude inherent in women.

is a characteristic of power, it always pits the oppressed castes, communities and genders against each other to create a safe environment. It is a shrewd government policy to create an environment conducive to exploitation even when not present. Even in our society, the power and government trend is taking this strategy. Women themselves are not unprepared for change. Instead, a conspiracy is hatched to prevent them from getting ready. If we want liberation in the true sense, it is imperative to liberate women from the cultural domination of power. It is necessary to intensify the campaign of ideological awareness and awakening in order to destroy the ingenuity of the power structure that encourages people who are oppressed themselves to be oppressed. The day one is freed from the spell of slavery, one will surely feel its pain. When it hurts, those who hurt will begin to complain about the system that hurts.

During the feminist movement, some 'radical' activities emerged in the world. Because of that, rather than the patriarchal power structure that makes men violent, wrong practices like hating, boycotting and attacking specific individuals as the center, separating the relationship of mutual coordination and presenting the same-sex relationship between women as an alternative to liberation were used. It is true that such activities have turned the question of women's liberation into furushviraddha's anger. However, such movements faded in time. Due to its influence, it is also natural that as soon as the women's movement is called, confusion is created like the opposition of men. However, it is sad that these confusions and wrong comments continue to work in the perspective of the continuous discussions and debates about it recently. Whereas, in recent times, women's liberation movement has been strongly criticizing and refuting such thoughtless anti-male 'radical' movements. This movement is not an anti-freedom movement, it is an anti-patriarchy movement. Patriarchy is a toxic mindset that exists within everyone, regardless of gender. Which is also more common in women.

Due to the fact that the power structure is patriarchal, women are more affected by it. However, even men are not free from suffering and oppression. The difference is that the dimensions of oppression are different and their intensity is different. So patriarchy is a toxic trend for both men and women. Which has broken the mutual coordination, coexistence, love and harmony and put them in opposition to each other. Where the relationship should have been based on loving equality, it has been pushed into a painful situation of exploitation by making one the master and the other the slave. Where the relationship is sad and formal rather than spontaneous and happy.

Emancipation from patriarchy is about the liberation of all human beings. The sooner we realize that this fight for liberation is not for a woman or a single person, but for everyone, the more beneficial it will be for all mankind. Therefore, it is necessary for everyone to be freed from the illusion of mistaking the anti-patriarchy movement as anti-men and thinking that the anti-patriarchy is an attack on men. In this movement, as much as it is necessary to join hands with liberating and justice-loving men, it is also necessary to attack the patriarchal female mentality. Salvation is impossible unless the seeds of new transformation are planted on the women's mentality, which is advocating slavery as an integral part of life and advocating hatred against the movement, and advocating the patriarchy that creates obstacles.

This is a fight against patriarchy. Whether you are male or female, it doesn't matter. What matters is where you stand. If you feel like you're being attacked, remember, patriarchy lives inside you, toxic masculinity lives.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १६, २०८१ ०७:३३
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