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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

UML's target mission 84: General Secretary Pokharel

माधव अर्याल

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UML General Secretary Shankar Pokharel has said that the next target is Mission 84. He also said that he wants to work by forming a majority government accordingly.

UML's target mission 84: General Secretary Pokharel

While inaugurating the 10th session of UML Palpa, he also asked the workers to join Mission 84 in order to plan the journey of development and prosperity of the country. "Everyone should understand why Mission 84 is necessary," he said. In order to complete it, everyone should be with us in that campaign.

UML wants to change people's despair into hope, he said. General Secretary Pokharel said that he wanted to bring Nepali youth back to the country instead of going abroad. "Now, UML will show that something can happen at home, not by going abroad," he said.

Mahasawich Pokharel claims that he will stay in the Congress opposition after the next election due to his own reasons. Stating that Mission 84 means that UML will lead the government, he claimed that UML will be the first party with a majority in the upcoming elections. UML will lead the government in 1984, he said. At that time, Congress will play the role of opposition. We will get the opportunity to complete the work we started in the past.

On the occasion of the inauguration of the convention, Jhapendra Bahadur JC, the then district secretary of the party from the first district convention held in 2048, and Dal Bahadur Rana, who took over the responsibility of secretary from the second convention held in 2050, were honored. Also, on the same occasion, a team of 18 people, including Member of the House of Representatives Narayan Prasad Acharya, UML District Vice President Devilal Lamichhane, who came to help the earthquake victims of Jajarkot and Rukum West, were honored with letters of appreciation. The new leadership will be selected from the

convention. Current secretary Ramji Pokharel and former secretary Om Bahadur Gharti are seen as aspiring for the post of chairman. Bimal Kafle and Deepak Vishwakarma are aspirants for secretary. The party leadership is preparing to select the leadership through consensus. UML president Dhanendraraj Ghimire said that in the UML district convention, the issue of UML's role in the development and prosperity of Palpa, as well as the plan of work to be done in the future, was discussed in the closed session. 450 delegates are participating in the convention. There is a provision in the constitution that a district committee of up to 150 people will be formed from the convention. 33 percent women are compulsory and 15 percent youth are compulsory.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ११, २०८१ २०:२९
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