कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

General Secretary of Amnesty International's question to the Prime Minister - 'Why did you arrest Sirohia?'


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Agnes Kalamar, Secretary General of Amnesty International, who is visiting Nepal, asked the reason for the detention of Kantipur Media Group (KMG) Chairman Kailash Sirohia during a courtesy meeting with Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal on Friday.

General Secretary of Amnesty International's question to the Prime Minister - 'Why did you arrest Sirohia?'

According to one of Prime Minister Dahal's advisers, Secretary General Callamard said, "Why did you detain KMG President Sirohia?" In response, Dahal responded that he would be released from custody after an investigation in 2/3 days, citing his citizenship.

Kantipur Dainik has been continuously publishing news about the disturbances in the cooperative sector and the involvement of Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane. After the arrest, Sirohia was sent to Dhanusha.

Prime Minister Dahal told Mahasawich Kalamar on Wednesday that the deadline has been extended to keep him under investigation for three more days. Various issues related to transitional justice and human rights were discussed between them. Dahal mentioned that Nepal is committed to the protection and promotion of human rights and asserted that Nepal always strives to fulfill its national and international responsibilities related to human rights.

Even after a long time in Nepal, the issue of transitional justice has not been resolved. Dahal said that the draft bill on transitional justice under consideration in the parliament will be taken forward with the trust of national and international stakeholders. Dahal, even when he was the Prime Minister for the first time in 2008, said that the transitional justice would be completed quickly. But even when he was the prime minister for the third time, the work could not be progressed with the victims at the center.

On that occasion, General Secretary Kalamar expressed her hope that the transitional justice law will be made soon to conclude the peace process in Nepal and the peace process will be completed.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ११, २०८१ १९:२०
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