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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Congress General Minister Sharma said: Does the person sitting next to the Speaker not have two citizenships?


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General Secretary of the Federal Parliament, Padma Prasad Pandey, obtained citizenship by lowering his age by 6 years and misused the same citizenship to obtain a passport, Congress General Minister Vishwaprakash Sharma has raised the issue.

Congress General Minister Sharma said: Does the person sitting next to the Speaker not have two citizenships?

After the meeting of the House of Representatives on Friday, General Minister Sharma said that there was no investigation or arrest of Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane and Parliament Secretary General Pandey even when the issue of dual citizenship and passport was raised.

Chairman of Kantipur Media Group Kailash Sirohia was arrested from the office of Kantipur Dainik in Kathmandu and taken to Dhanusha overnight, but people with dual passports and citizenship are in parliament and government, said Sharma. Sharma asked about the arrest of Sirohia, "It is only for revenge". What would have happened if Kantipur Dainik had not published a series of news regarding cooperative fraud?'

General Minister Sharma also questioned why there was no investigation into the dual citizenship and passport of the Home Minister, a high-ranking person sitting next to the Speaker of the Parliament Devraj Ghimire . "In this parliament, has there been a question of dual citizenship of a high-ranking person who sits next to the speaker?" Have you been arrested? Just now, I have come to see the Parliament, there has been no talk of two citizenships of a high-ranking person sitting next to the speaker,' said Chief Minister Sharma, 'no talk of two passports of the Home Minister? Not a subject of investigation in court . There should be an arrest, even if there is no arrest, there should be an investigation.'

Sharma said that Congress is not of the opinion that Kantipur president Sirohia should not be investigated, but that revenge should not be taken.

What is the citizenship and passport case of General Secretary Pandey:

According to the document written by various offices under the Ministry of Home Affairs and Nilakaya to the State System and Good Governance Committee of the House of Representatives, Pandey took citizenship by reducing his age by 6 years in 2066.

Pandey misused the second citizenship obtained by reducing his age by 6 years and also took a passport.

According to the Palpa District Administration Office, Pandey took citizenship (number 35) for the first time on 28 June 2046 and his date of birth is 2026 October 15.

Pandey took a second citizenship on August 8, 2066 saying that he had lost his citizenship, this time he reduced the age by 6 years and established it on December 26, 2032. He showed his first citizenship when he joined the office of the Attorney General in 2067 as a co-attorney and kept the second citizenship with him for 10 years. He canceled the second citizenship on August 23, 2076 saying that the details were different by mistake. He got citizenship number 39-01-76-05515 as a copy of the citizenship taken at the beginning.

10 years in between, he used both citizenships and took different passports. In 2066, he made a passport based on his citizenship three years after reducing his age. On July 2, 2069 (July 17, 2012), he obtained a 'ordinary passport' number 06018370 from the Palpa District Administration Office, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has given it to the Parliament's State Order Committee.

He took a 'special' passport numbered 0059449 from the Passport Department Kathmandu on 2069 Mansir 20 (December 5, 2012) before the completion of five months of taking a 'normal' passport from the District Administration Office, Palpa. However, in this passport, he has given details of his old citizenship. Thus, in his ordinary passport, the date of birth is 2032 December 26 and in the special passport, the date of birth is October 15, 2026.

A complaint was filed in the Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee about reducing the age by 6 years, not only keeping the second citizenship for 10 years even after finding the old citizenship, but also creating two types of passports from both citizenships. Based on the complaints received in the committee, the government has not investigated the documents from the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Committee sources have informed that due to the pressure of UML, the investigation against him could not proceed in the committee. Pandey was appointed Secretary General of the Federal Parliament by President Ramchandra Paudel on the recommendation of Speaker Devraj Ghimire and National Assembly Speaker Ganesh Prasad Timilsina while the committee was extracting documents from government agencies based on complaints. After that, UML pressured not to proceed with the investigation on this matter.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ११, २०८१ १६:३३
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