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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५८

We will further promote the country's energy sector: Prime Minister


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Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that he is in favor of development, promotion and more professionalism of the energy sector of the country. Addressing the 22nd General Assembly of Independent Energy Producers Association of Nepal (IPAN), the umbrella organization of private sector energy entrepreneurs of Nepal, the Prime Minister said that the government is in favor of promoting the private sector.

We will further promote the country's energy sector: Prime Minister

The Prime Minister's explanation is that the government is working to solve the problems seen in policy, legal, institutional, structural and working style.

'The private sector has been sufficiently addressed even in the policy and program of the Government of Nepal which has just been presented . Now our focus is on making the budget according to the policy and program . I also want to inform you that this year's budget will focus on the goals and priorities of policies and programs,' said the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister called for confident investment in projects in the energy sector and said that the government will provide all possible support for the protection, coordination, facilitation and assistance of the private sector.

The Prime Minister urged to encourage investment in the energy sector with new energy, to effectively communicate the policies taken by the government to promote investment and to speed up the construction of projects.

Ippan's general assembly was organized with the slogan 'Break down barriers, promote domestic investment'. It has been two and a half decades since Nepal's private sector started working commercially and commercially in hydropower production. In the meantime, the Prime Minister expressed his happiness that the 22nd anniversary of the establishment of Ippan is going to be celebrated today.

It has been 113 years since the start of energy production in Nepal. On May 9, 1968, electricity was generated for the first time from Farping hydropower project. During this period, three thousand two hundred megawatts of energy has been produced. Of this, from the private sector Two thousand four hundred Hundred megawatts of energy has been produced. The Prime Minister says that this is a great achievement in the journey of development and prosperity of the country.

'In the country which was once in a state of extreme load shedding of 16 hours a day, now it has reached the state of exporting electricity during the rainy season, the role of the private sector is commendable in this too,' said the Prime Minister, 'Now the private sector is constructing projects with a capacity of 3000 megawatts and about 20 thousand Megawatt equivalent projects are in various stages of construction . This also shows the role and importance of private sector energy development.'

The Prime Minister recalled that there was a long-term agreement with the neighboring country India for the export of 10,000 megawatts of electricity in 10 years and an agreement was also signed to trade electricity with Bangladesh through India's grid line.

'I have had the opportunity to make such an important agreement during my tenure. This is not only a historic success in the history of Nepal's hydropower sector, but also a historic success in terms of the journey of prosperity, and also a historic achievement,' said the Prime Minister.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ४, २०८१ ११:५०
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